My heart goes out

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Re: Drugs are the weapon not guns!

You had me there for a minute until I read up on this fruit cake ! ... It's no wonder people can't find solutions to problems..... they would rather follow the rants of a lunatic, rather then think critically for them selves.
I thought that for a while several years back when I started coming accross his stories linked in many different media news sources but upon following up on him for several years and looking into his reports nobody has proven him wrong yet "The truth is stranger than fiction" Which is why he is looked at by many as a bit extreme but he backs up every single thing he reports on with facts, documents and other news reports from around the globe, he has broke many many stories over the years and hits the nail on the head 99% of the time. You just need to get past the "Rant" aspect of him. He is always way ahead of things and the main stream always follows him and cuts him down for spreading the truth they are not allowed to talk about. He has I think the 3rd or 4th largest following world wide as a reliable news source and getting bigger all the time.

My wife shared the same exact thoughts about him as you posted until she and I went to an Eric Servareid symposium a couple of years ago which included old school reporters who spoke like Dan Rather, Nick Clooney and Bob Schiefer and they all said that in todays age of news reporting they mentioned Alex Jones specifically "Actually the only one they mentioned" and commended him on his Iron core investigating and truthfull reporting. He reports on things that todays liberal government run media will not touch on.
My wife looked at me and said "Shit" when they commended him on his dedication to spreading the truth, she doesn't follow him at all but I show her stories he has covered and she sees the truth in all of them now too but she still hates his form of compassion or "Rants" he is famous for.

BTW Wikipedia is about as liberal an organization as they come so of course they would have a negative view of him.;)
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Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
First and formost leave us not forget to say a prayer for the families of these kids and teachers. This is a loss not easyly accepted by a sane person.
And now if I may, adress the term "assault weapons" this term has been brough to the front by the news media. An assault weapon is a fully automatic weapon, the piece he carried was not. Unless you would have access to a machine shop and had the knowlage and access to the parts, turning a semiatuomatic weapon in to a full auto is a bit harder than one sees inthe movies,, IE,, oh yeah give me a paper clip and a roll of duct tape and I ll make a machine gun,, it aint gona happen. Can it be done yes most anything can be done with time and money. Now full atuo arms can be bought and owned with the proper BATF paper work, and the cost well it aint cheap!
And your right he could have just as easyly walked in with beer bottles filled with gas and styrofoam ( almost like napom) the mind of a mad man/woman has no ryme or reason to those of us that keep life in our hearts and smile at a childs laugh.
May God keep them close to him.
Ok Im all done now
PLease forgive my miss spelled wordds it seems my spell check is'nt working this morning

Dennis T.

New member
Jan 30, 2012
Minnesota USA
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”

I'm an avid livelong hunter and owner of two lever action rifles. But their is no place in a modern society for assault type weapons except yhe military and law enforcement. Only an organization 'profiting' from spinning paranoia about our perceived loss of freedoms is delusional enough to promote this absurd idea.

Thankfully the shooting in the mall (Clackamas) did not have more victims because the assault weapon jammed and people were able to get out of the way.
.....Thoughts to consider..........

Bob Dylan said, “Democracy don’t rule the world. You’d better get that in your head: This world is ruled by violence, But I guess that’s better left unsaid.”

John Stuart Mills said: “The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others.”

Abraham Lincoln said: “Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.”

Albert Einstein said: “Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism — how passionately I hate them!”

Mahatma Gandhi said: “The pursuit of truth does not permit violence on one’s opponent.”

Salma Hayek said: “There is a subconscious way of taking violence as a way of expression, as a normality, and it has a lot of effects in the youth in the way they absorb education and what they hope to get out of life.”

Marianne Williamson has said: “May we not succumb to thoughts of violence and revenge today, but rather to thoughts of mercy and compassion. We are to love our enemies that they might be returned to their right minds.”

Isaac Asimov said: “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”

Sanjay Gupta, medical reporter on CNN, shared information on how to predict violence done by unbalanced individuals who have shown evidence of emotional problems and fascination with guns.

It is clear to me that as citizens of the United States of America and of the Earth – we must HALT this use of assault weapons .

For an accurate account of what happened to date
"Ryan Lanza told law enforcement that his brother Adam was believed to suffer from a personality disorder and was "somewhat autistic".

It's really doubly sad cause it's a terribly easy crime to commit and worse that it's easier for a crazy person to obtain an assault weapon than it is to get proper mental healthcare.
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Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I'm an avid livelong hunter and owner of two lever action rifles. But their is no place in a modern society for assault type weapons except yhe military and law enforcement.

It is clear to me that as citizens of the United States of America and of the Earth – we must HALT this use of assault weapons .

Lets see, your a gun owner but you only want certain guns. lever guns are okay but a auto is bad. Keep walking the fense long enough and you'll be singing with a high pitch voice.

No place for Assalt weapons except military and police. Don't forget to add criminals to that list. Last time I looked drugs were illegal, child abuse is illegal, driving drunk is illegal. Have you ever heard of a criminal that didn't do a crime because his assault weapon was illegal. They are criminals, they don't follow rules now so why would they care if you make assault weapons illegal.

If you don't want an assault type weapon then don't buy it, I'm fine with that. On the other hand what business is it of yours if I do want one. The only thing any type of gun control does is hurt the law abiding citizens.

Criminals break laws, do you really think gun laws will mean anything to them?

If you do I bet you like obama and think his "change" is just what America needs...:eek:



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
Lets see, your a gun owner but you only want certain guns. lever guns are okay but a auto is bad. Keep walking the fense long enough and you'll be singing with a high pitch voice.

No place for Assalt weapons except military and police. Don't forget to add criminals to that list. Last time I looked drugs were illegal, child abuse is illegal, driving drunk is illegal. Have you ever heard of a criminal that didn't do a crime because his assault weapon was illegal. They are criminals, they don't follow rules now so why would they care if you make assault weapons illegal.

If you don't want an assault type weapon then don't buy it, I'm fine with that. On the other hand what business is it of yours if I do want one. The only thing any type of gun control does is hurt the law abiding citizens.

Criminals break laws, do you really think gun laws will mean anything to them?

If you do I bet you like obama and think his "change" is just what America needs...:eek:
You hit the nail square on the head Bulldog Ill second that motion thank you

Lil Foot

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Lifetime Member

1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I used to work with a very liberal, left wing type who thought all guns should be confiscated because "You might commit a crime with a gun." I then asked him when he would be reporting for castration.... after all, he might rape someone. He stopped bringing up gun control.

My father, upon hearing others rant about crime & how people have changed, used to point out that people have not changed; what has changed is the way our society treats criminals & the criminally insane. 40 or 50 years ago, when someone was convicted of murder, they were executed or put in prison for life. The current average time served for murder in this country now is less than eight years. The criminally insane were kept locked up, not set free to prey upon decent folk, because incarcerating them "would infringe on their rights."

I have used & owned guns without committing any crimes for more than 52 years & my family for more than 117 years. Outlawing my guns or restricting my rights will not stop crime; I'm sure it will have the opposite effect.

More gun control laws will not deter criminals.... by their very nature criminals do not obey laws.... that's what makes them criminals! I have never understood why some people are incapable of understanding this. Seems pretty straight forward to me. :confused:

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I don't own a single firearm YET but I am very aware of my Constitutional Right of the 2nd Amendment dating back to 1787 which clearly states,

"Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.''

Therefore I don't see how we can be stripped of this right after 225 years of being put in place.


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
Most crimes perpetrated with guns do not involve assault weapons. Banning them years ago didn't stop crime, and it won't now. Banning assault weapons is a step in the direction of banning or limiting many other types of weapons, such as guns with removable clips.
Many people own assault weapons, with no issue. I did some carpet work for a man about a year ago, and he showed me a pristine Thompson machine gun that he owned. It was an awesome example of history, which is why he owns it. I doubt that he even fires it, and it is his right to have this piece of history.
The waters are too muddy to simply take away gun rights, and then think that violence will stop. Granted, the easy availability of guns are a factor in crimes, but a factor that can be substituted with something else. The intent to harm another person is the issue, not the method of doing it. Man has murdered, tortured, maimed, and injured since creation, long before guns were invented. The heart of man is what we should fear, not a chunk of metal.

Dennis T.

New member
Jan 30, 2012
Minnesota USA
You're right, guns aren't the problem! The NRA and it's ridged thinking and total resistance to ANY responsible assault weapons legislation IS the problem....pretty soon the NRA will need a Hall of Fame for the worst school shooter criminals.

Obviously something is broke!


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Lets get something clear,,,, assault weapons ,,, is the useage term of the media,,nothing more. The average Joe cannot buy one and if he can they are very expencive, the BATF paper work is very extencive and they cannot be sold to any one other then a class3 weapons permit holder. The news media cannot report the facts with out going way out in,,if you ll parden the expression,,, LEFT FIELD, to sell the story. And the American public has watched much ncis and to many movies to understand that you cant just walk in to "Baba and sons liqure and guns" and buy a fully automatic weapon!. An ak47 or an AR 15 or M4 is no more deadly that say a Browning semi automatic rifle or any number of semiautomatic rifles,, but they look evil so there for they are.
Lever guns are cool and so are pumps and bolts and semi's you cannot say one is evil and the other is good with out opening the door and haveing the good ones become the evil ones when all the other evil ones are gone.
So let get to the root of the problem the mental state of the people involved in these kinds of terrible things.
A gun is a tool the same as a hammer unless someone picks it up and uses it no nails get driven, if no one pick up a gun no one gets hurt.
The system is broken, and its not the avergy Joe thats the problem.



B7200 4WD w/FEL, 4' disc, 4' Brush Hog, 14" Plow, 4' Blade, JD 246 2 row Planter
Mar 28, 2012
Rainsville, Al
The school shooting tragedy is horrible beyond words and those of us who have children of our own can only imagine the pain the parents of the dead children are suffering. It truly haunts me.

It is unfortunate that every time something like this happens, there are those who seize on the moment to attack gun ownership. Murder is an act, a gun is a thing. Many different "things" can be used to accomplish murder. Timothy McVeigh used a bomb made with fertilizer to destroy an entire building in Oklahom City and kill 168 people. The recipe for making that bomb can easily be found on the internet. The 9/11 Muslim terrorists used box cutters to gain control of airplanes to destroy 2 of the largest buildings in the world, and killed hundreds of innocent people. Are we now to outlaw the ownership of fertilizer and box cutters? Murder can be accomplished with an infinite number of "things" simply demonize guns b/c they are one of those infinite "things" is difficult to understand.

I find it interesting that many who are firmly against gun ownership are also firmly in favor of abortion. Abortion, like murder, is an act. Abortion can be accomplished with many "things" could not stop the act of abortion by outlawing forceps any more than you could stop the act of murder by getting rid of guns.

Whether the school shooter chose to perform his heinous act with a gun, an airplane, or a bomb made from fertilizer would have no bearing on the fact that innocent life would be destroyed in the process. The act itself is the problem, what is used to commit the act is beside the point. Our focus should be on ways to stop the act of murder......the "things" that can be used to commit murder are simply too numerous to ever control.

So how will changing gun ownership laws stop the killing? It won't, it's already against the law to bring a gun to any School... That didn't stop him! Because laws only work for those whom obey them. So ask yourself this... What if the School Principle had a gun, and was properly trained to use it?


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
You're right, guns aren't the problem! The NRA and it's ridged thinking and total resistance to ANY responsible assault weapons legislation IS the problem....pretty soon the NRA will need a Hall of Fame for the worst school shooter criminals.

Obviously something is broke!
So does the wife carry your balls in her pocketbook or do they sit on the shelf in a jar???

Maybe that's not fair, you were right to say that gun aren't the problem.

It starts with idiots that say my gun is okay but you can have yours because it's not like mine. Bash the NRA, they have helped to insure even a "fence rider" like you can keep your lever gun you love so much just like they help everyone else who might want a semi-auto.

The mall shooting you brought up wasn't as bad because the weapon jammed... Your lever gun can be fired more than once and quite fast in the hands of a expert so is it suddenly bad and shouldn't be owned by general public??? OH!!! I bet that different because your a "avid hunter" so your gun is fine but my Mini14 or AR15 is a assault rifle and should be banned...

I bet as a child you were the one running off the play ground crying out "it's my ball and you can't play with it any more"... Go home to mommy telling her how little johnny took your ball away from you and how all the girls laughed and made fun of you when he rubbed your nose in the random pile of dog $hit...

"Obviously something is broke" you say. Let me help with a hint...
Step 1:
Stand in front of mirrow naked. Check between legs where balls should be...:confused:
Step 2:
Then turn around and bend over, watch to see if is a obvious reason you keep talking out your a$$...:eek:

When you figure out the answer from step 1 and 2 come back for further instructions... If nothing substantial comes to mind maybe consider moving to la-la land... You and the other obamasourasses can live out life filling each other full of BS and blowing smoke up each others rears...:D



Apr 29, 2012
North central Iowa
So does the wife carry your balls in her pocketbook or do they sit on the shelf in a jar???

Maybe that's not fair, you were right to say that gun aren't the problem.

It starts with idiots that say my gun is okay but you can have yours because it's not like mine. Bash the NRA, they have helped to insure even a "fence rider" like you can keep your lever gun you love so much just like they help everyone else who might want a semi-auto.

The mall shooting you brought up wasn't as bad because the weapon jammed... Your lever gun can be fired more than once and quite fast in the hands of a expert so is it suddenly bad and shouldn't be owned by general public??? OH!!! I bet that different because your a "avid hunter" so your gun is fine but my Mini14 or AR15 is a assault rifle and should be banned...

I bet as a child you were the one running off the play ground crying out "it's my ball and you can't play with it any more"... Go home to mommy telling her how little johnny took your ball away from you and how all the girls laughed and made fun of you when he rubbed your nose in the random pile of dog $hit...

"Obviously something is broke" you say. Let me help with a hint...
Step 1:
Stand in front of mirrow naked. Check between legs where balls should be...:confused:
Step 2:
Then turn around and bend over, watch to see if is a obvious reason you keep talking out your a$$...:eek:

When you figure out the answer from step 1 and 2 come back for further instructions... If nothing substantial comes to mind maybe consider moving to la-la land... You and the other obamasourasses can live out life filling each other full of BS and blowing smoke up each others rears...:D
The problem is the the people that think like this are the ones that have guns!
Bulldog I think you forgot your meds today.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
The problem is the the people that think like this are the ones that have guns!
Bulldog I think you forgot your meds today.
No meds required or needed.

It pisses me off that people are so willing to give up rights that our own people died for so that we could have freedom.

If we don't stand up for our rights we will end up with nothing to stand up for...


New member

L3200, Hustler Super Z
May 30, 2012
Graham, WA
There really are two important things here. First and most importantly the innocent victims. Those poor kids and adults, they did nothing to deserve this. Nor did the surviors and there lifetime memories. As a parent, I sure do not want to bury any of my kids.

Secondly it should be noted that NO assault weapon was used in the killings nor does Bushmaster sell any assault weapons to the public.

However, a black weapon was used, one that looks similar to a assault weapon, but is in truth not as it is lacking the selective fire trigger. A semi automatic is NOT a assault rifle regardless of the color.

Kinda like trying to outlaw Corvetts because they look like race cars. But where are the roll cages, where is the fuel cell... etc.

It is a shame really, people want this fixed, but remember, this kid STOLE the guns from his mom in the first place, so before he even killed his mom, he was already commited to a criminal act, and no amount of laws will stop someone who has decided to ignore the laws. What it takes is a well trained person to put the rabid dog down befor he can inflict so many kills.

Sometimes that well trained person is a police or security officer, sometimes a law abiding armed citizen, and in these so called gun free killing zones a bad guy sure knows he will not run into a armed citizen and little chance of a police officer or armed guard.

So you really think that someone who has stole weapons, killed his mother really cares if he shoots up a "gun free zone" BAH all those zones do is create unsafe zones for law abiding citizens...




Apr 29, 2012
North central Iowa
Can't help but wonder how you gun toters would feel about your semiautomatic weapons if it was your wife, son, daughter, mother or father slaughtered by that mad man. I find it odd that your right to bear arms strikes more emotion than twenty six souls right to life!


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I find it odd that your right to bear arms strikes more emotion than twenty six souls right to life!
Good point, this happens when idiots bring the focus toward guns and blame them for what happened instead of trying to help the ones who were hurt.

If you step in a pile of dog crap do you blame the dog or blame yourself for not watching where you're going???:D

Dennis T.

New member
Jan 30, 2012
Minnesota USA
We are an easily frightened people and it is easy to manipulate us with fear. Which the NRA has done so sucessfully. Time to stop following the macho pack mentality. Time for all scared little boys to grow up into real men.


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