Leaking remote hydraulic control


New member

Kubota B1550HST-D
Feb 21, 2014
Butler, PA
First time here so hoping for some help. Bought a used (mid-90's?) Kubota B1550HST-D with a Kubota 2030 (that's the number on it) snow blade on the front...works great! I had one of the hydraulic lines replaced but now I noticed some fluid coming out of the 2 levers (up/down, left/right) on the top of the box. Can these be repaired so that they won't leak? If so, who can do it? I don't think I'd be able to find a replacement control unit due to the age of it. See attached pics. The fluid leaks where the shiny metal of the levers moves up and down into the hydraulic unit.
Thanks. Rick
