Cross referencing LED bulbs


New member

L3700SU, box blade, 6 foot rhino blade, 1 bottom plow, 3 point receiver hitch.
Mar 24, 2012
Goldendale, WA USA
Have any of you cross referenced the bulbs in your tractors?

By that, I mean headlight, tail lights, flashers, the whole shebang. I'm not just talking about 1167' etc.... I mean stealership, numbers and all. Stealership numbers don't reference the bulb bases. Their pictures cleverly hide the bases. Short of buying one of each, I'd like the benefit of research.

I was able to replace all the bulbs on our travel trailer but the are much more accessible. Led's just make good sense.

Seems to me that if any of us has done that research, it would be useful information useable by all instead of each of us reinventing the wheel.

Google turns up nothing and most other sites as well.

I'M looking for L3800 cross references. I have the shop manual and all it gives is wattage, not even part numbers!