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  1. K

    Analysis Paralysis L2501/LX2610SU…….B2601

    Thanks for input, I'll definitely look at the EA Grapple. I like the hill your 2501 is on, my land is sloped similarly but for about 400-500 ft more up hill. How stable is it on that hill, I'm guessing it can only go up and down, not sideways? how do you like HST vs the gear drive? for hills...
  2. K

    Analysis Paralysis L2501/LX2610SU…….B2601

    I'm glad I read your post, I was mostly considering the new LX2610SU, but now I think the L2510 may be better choice, I just bought 2.5 acres north of Pittsburgh, Its 90% wooded and hilly, so I don't care about mowing or the mid-PTO, maybe a flail mower later, but I've think I need a much heaver...