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  1. J

    Pre-purchase question - also my first post to this forum

    So do any of you have an idea of what it would be worth? I've seen ads all over the place - 4,5,6k all without attachments, older model year and higher hours. If this is worth significantly more than $3,200 then maybe buy it and put it towards another tractor with attachments. Any ideas on a...
  2. J

    Pre-purchase question - also my first post to this forum

    Absolutely! I only have 9 acres with about 2.5 being cleared around the house. My house actually burned down last summer and the new one has just been finished but what was a decently level yard is now pretty bad and needs more dirt and leveled out. Part of it due to the fact that we rebuilt...
  3. J

    Pre-purchase question - also my first post to this forum

    Hello, I am considering purchasing a 1989 L2250 2WD, Turf Tires and no attachments other than a fertilizer spreader. Hours listed as just shy of 700 and was used in grounds-keeping of a school or church. Asking price is $3200. Question 1 - is this a really good deal, or just about average...