Recent content by psvines

  1. P

    What is this part on my BX2660?

    Using a detailed parts diagram, I think it is part of the support for the air filter. Part # K2551-82150.
  2. P

    What is this part on my BX2660?

    I found this on my driveway after hearing it fall to the ground, only a few feet from my garage door. I'm trying to determine if it is a broken part from my BX2660. It is very clean stiff metal with one end clearly broken or snapped off. Thanks.
  3. P

    MMM advice

    I realize a B and BX are quite different, but after 5 years with my BX2660 I now put the MMM on in the spring and it stays on for the mowing season. The effort to remove or install is minimal, but more than the effort to be careful while doing other FEL work.
  4. P

    Snow cleaning 1000ft gravel road

    Like so many considerations, how much can you spend and how often will you use it. I've got a BX2660 with rear blade and FEL and last had to clear snow in 2010. We got 55" that year and my implements worked fine clearing 1/3 mile gravel driveway. Yes it took awhile and looking rearward was...
  5. P

    Please help me decide on a new Kubota

    My little BX2660 comfortably cleared 2 feet of snow, twice, a couple of winters ago on a quarter mile fairly level gravel driveway. This was using a FEL and 5' rear blade. I mow an acre with it using a MMM and R4s, and occasionally wished I had turfs when the ground is very soft. It's great for...
  6. P

    Rear blade a-frame angle

    Close to level is best for ease of use. I have a similar setup and was able to easily handle 2 feet of snow (twice) a couple of years ago, on a quarter mile gravel driveway.
  7. P

    Anyone wax their tractor?

    Too funny, 4 pages of waxing tractors. My BX is 4+ years and only occasionally gets wiped off, annually at best. But I maintain it well! As for looking nice for resell value... I don't plan on ever getting rid of it and the wife will probably use it someday to put me in the ground.
  8. P

    Deer Fencing

    I have been completely satisfied with my 20x40 deer fence purchased from; deer will graze all around the garden but never attempt to enter. There are deer in the yard every day!