I just had the 100Lb bottle of Propane filled (Evil Grin)
I've been at war with them since we moved into the place 25 years ago. Traps, I got traps. I manage to get one now and then.
Our friends have a Jack-Russel Terrier. He GETS THEM. That dang dog, he'll dig a hole to China, and make a mound of dirt the size of an Above-Ground Drainfield. He'd probably camp out in waiting....LOL.
The old-fashion Gutter Nails come to use when I made a Mole Spike. That got them. The problem was standing out there in the dark with a flashlight, freezing, in wait.
Then I made a 16 penny-12ga shotgun trap. They met their match....they were Mole Burger. The problem was worrying about our dogs getting hurt, so that one is no longer used. I also made a trap that used Hilti Nail Gun blanks. That worked, but that one you needed to practice fine-line forensics and a "no-scent" approach. It was effective, but again...the dogs were too curious.
A 12ga works from a good distance, and effective. There again...the waiting for the mound to move gets minautinous.
I've even stuffed Road Flares down holes. The moles break out the Hot Dogs...and probably a beverage.