L295 Internal Engine troubles


New member
Jan 6, 2014
Port Orange, Fl
I have a l295 (D1301a) that the pre-combustion chamber "plug" fell out and locked up the engine (I'm sure) prior to my acquiring it. Anyone ever hear of this? The head gasket was replaced before I got it and I know the kid was spraying ether to it to get it running. A compression test revealed 320, 200, 375 psi front to back. I pulled the head off, the center plug was missing and the other two pre chamber "plugs" are cracked. I was thinking of removing them all and possibly taking some meat off the head to take up some of the difference now that that volume of space will no longer be occupied by the plugs. Or I'll acquire three new plugs, (but of course they are $70 a piece) if the head is good that is. Anyone know if that will cause any problems (valve interference?) I still have to figure out why I have low compression in that cylinder and it's pressurizing the coolant system. I still haven't pulled the piston to see what the rings are doing. There is some damage to that center piston. I'm hoping the head isn't cracked, gonna magniflux and possible pressure test it soon. Do I need those prechambers to be as Kubota designed them for the engine to start and run properly?


New member

Aug 22, 2011
Fair Grove, Mo
Several years ago, I went to check out and engine that had just been overhauled, Kubota engine, Found it took extended crank times and just a quit shot of either to make it fire. Ran without much power. So, checked compression and all cylinders were quit low. Pulled head and found that who ever had put the head back on after machineing the head, had not installed the precombution plugs. Installed them with new head gasket and all was well and engine has been fine for a number of years now. Good luck on the cracked head issue.


New member
Jan 6, 2014
Port Orange, Fl
Thanks for the replies. Turns out the head is cracked in the middle cylinder from inside of the prechamber out to very near the edge of the intake seat. The 2 remaining prechamber plugs are cracked as well. I'm not quite sure how I'll proceed as cylinder heads are ridiculously expensive for this engine. Maybe I'll try to weld it or have it welded. Replace the head or even the whole engine?. Suggestions welcome, and as always...thanks. Stay safe.
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Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN

The above poster lists other variations......take it for what it's worth but may get you started.

There was another thread here, maybe a year ago, another member had the same exact problem and I believe he concluded that this was an inherent flaw on this model. I looked the day you posted your OP but could not find the thread, don't remember what he wound up doing.

I don't believe that a weld repair will be lasting in your case.

Used engines seem to run around $1500........new around $3K.

Good luck.