Hello from Tennessee


New member

M125X, Case 1370, 1941 JD "B"
Dec 21, 2012
Nashville TN
Hello Kubota Forum,
I am new to this forum, and new to ownership of Kubota equipment. As a tractor mechanic, I have appreciated the advanced design of Kubota machinery as I worked on them. I remember the first Kubota 4X4 I did a clutch on, and how it was designed to help me keep the front and rear sections aligned as I pulled them apart to re-do the clutch. This stuck with me, giving me the feeling that Kubota wanted to work with me in the field on an otherwise difficult procedure. I would be hard pressed to say which tractor is my favorite of all that I have worked on; all tractors are built to do a job, rather than to satisfy some fad. I have been amazed by the designs of International Harvester, but have seen that most are 2wd. John Deere makes a superb engine. However, I feel that Kubota has developed the entire tractor to a new level, and I am looking forward to learning more about these fine machines.
I recently bit off quite a chunk by purchasing an M125X with loader which had caught fire, for twice or there abouts, scrap price. I am aware that it is a sophisticated machine, but I am confident that I can save it. I believe in the nobility of these machines. It is good that I really like to work on tractors and have learned much about the systems that make them tick. I hope to share what I have learned about Kubota's largest and newest line of large tractors.
Thank you in advance for welcoming me to your forum. I will post when I have made significant progress, and hope to be able to ask questions when I get stumped. I have a feeling that the process will be long, but that I will know it well when I'm done.
Regards, Dan

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Welcome from the far East side!

We all love pictures around here, it would be kinda cool if you could put up some photos of the tractor and its progress.

We've had memebers on here in the past who have redone tractors from floods and fires and they seem to have turned out rather well.

This should be a walk in the park for you since you're already a tractor doctor to begin with.


New member

M125X, Case 1370, 1941 JD "B"
Dec 21, 2012
Nashville TN
Thank you for the replies. I will send photos of the disaster. I am hesitant to send them because so many people have told me...."what have you done.."..
this should be good material for a laugh! Cheers, Dan



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
Dan Welocome to OTT, your going to enjoy this site theres a great bunch of guys here. I feel youll be a great asset to us being a tractor mechanic. Welcome once agian from the west Ventura County Ca Im also Dan


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L3200DT w/FEL, K650 Backhoe, 5' Rotary, 40" Howard Rotavator, 6' Rhino blade
Oct 9, 2011
Spokane, WA
Welcome from the Pacific Northwest, or, as we call it in Spokane, the Inland Empire.
Sounds like you have a shop-full of fun ahead. I'm sure I can help -- the big wheels go on the back...


New member

M125X, Case 1370, 1941 JD "B"
Dec 21, 2012
Nashville TN
Thank you Dan and Gpruess-

I appreciate everyone's welcomes. I took my Navy Seabees Construction Equipment Mechanic training in Oxnard at the Navy base, Ventura County. I thought it was a real nice place, went there from boot camp. It seems that anywhere at all is a nice place right out of boot camp, granted, but, Ventura County had many special things about it that I liked. The first one that I really noticed was the palm trees, and the second one, was the street signs which were illuminated....Wow look at that.
I had a chance to stay a while in Seattle, and liked it as well, but needed more light than I could get there. Never got to Spokane but did go to Vancouver to see the Native American museum there, amazing.
I took thirteen photos today of the loader removal and the general condition of the tractor. It was good that I had access to a full sized forklift with extended forks. Both of these proved useful. I will try to attach photos, as I haven't figured out the photobucket thing yet.
A few notes: From what I can see right now, it looks a whole lot worse than it really is. The injection pump will need freshening...but..I "Think" that, being a Zexel pump, is a fairly common type of pump, and parts "May" swap out from Isuzu NPR box truck pump parts. The 5 cylinder aspect of that pump means that the cam inside will be unique, but it appears to have a 6 cylinder housing with one of the elements removed and a return fitting installed in its place. Of course the precision of these must be on the ball.
The plan is to have the head off tomorrow for a look see. The dousing from the fire truck may have shock cooled some castings, so I'll be looking for cracks and water where it shouldn't be.
Cheers, Dan


New member

Kubota L175
Apr 15, 2011
Welcome neighbor! Great to see another Nashvillian on here. Best of luck with you're project too. Looking froward to the pics.



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
Thank you Dan and Gpruess-

I appreciate everyone's welcomes. I took my Navy Seabees Construction Equipment Mechanic training in Oxnard at the Navy base, Ventura County. I thought it was a real nice place, went there from boot camp. It seems that anywhere at all is a nice place right out of boot camp, granted, but, Ventura County had many special things about it that I liked. The first one that I really noticed was the palm trees, and the second one, was the street signs which were illuminated....Wow look at that.
I had a chance to stay a while in Seattle, and liked it as well, but needed more light than I could get there. Never got to Spokane but did go to Vancouver to see the Native American museum there, amazing.
I took thirteen photos today of the loader removal and the general condition of the tractor. It was good that I had access to a full sized forklift with extended forks. Both of these proved useful. I will try to attach photos, as I haven't figured out the photobucket thing yet.
A few notes: From what I can see right now, it looks a whole lot worse than it really is. The injection pump will need freshening...but..I "Think" that, being a Zexel pump, is a fairly common type of pump, and parts "May" swap out from Isuzu NPR box truck pump parts. The 5 cylinder aspect of that pump means that the cam inside will be unique, but it appears to have a 6 cylinder housing with one of the elements removed and a return fitting installed in its place. Of course the precision of these must be on the ball.
The plan is to have the head off tomorrow for a look see. The dousing from the fire truck may have shock cooled some castings, so I'll be looking for cracks and water where it shouldn't be.
Cheers, Dan
Hey Dan we were neighbors when you were at the navy base. My ranch is in Santa Paula in the foothills between Ventura and Santa Paula Family has been there since 1/3/1900 , ya cant beat this weather we have here take care buddy and if ya need anything I can help with you can find me here.....Dan


New member

M125X, Case 1370, 1941 JD "B"
Dec 21, 2012
Nashville TN
Welcome neighbor! Great to see another Nashvillian on here. Best of luck with you're project too. Looking froward to the pics.
Gurn- Thank you for the welcome!! Great to hear from you. I'm on the West Side, and have been here since 1996, working on anything I can get my hands on, but have been into tractors for some time. Have been doing a lot of motorpool work these days, mostly 90's vintage Ford diesels, late 90's GM 3/4 tons. Fantastic trucks. I hope to hear about your tractor. Cheers, Dan.


New member

M125X, Case 1370, 1941 JD "B"
Dec 21, 2012
Nashville TN
Hey Dan we were neighbors when you were at the navy base. My ranch is in Santa Paula in the foothills between Ventura and Santa Paula Family has been there since 1/3/1900 , ya cant beat this weather we have here take care buddy and if ya need anything I can help with you can find me here.....Dan
Daniel- Thanks again! January 1900 to this date is quite a track record. I bet you have worn out all kinds of tractors and equipment. I look forward to hearing about your machines.

I have formed a photo album of the 13 photos on photobucket, but the next step is to make the connection to one of these posts. I can promise you that it will be a hoot in a hollow to anyone who owns a tractor, to see one in this kind of shape. Cheers, Dan


New member

M125X, Case 1370, 1941 JD "B"
Dec 21, 2012
Nashville TN
Hey Dan we were neighbors when you were at the navy base. My ranch is in Santa Paula in the foothills between Ventura and Santa Paula Family has been there since 1/3/1900 , ya cant beat this weather we have here take care buddy and if ya need anything I can help with you can find me here.....Dan
Daniel- 113 years is quite a track record! I bet your ranch has worn out all kinds of agricultural equipment in its day.

I'm getting closer to making the link to the photobucket album, I don't know about copy and paste, I'm running a Mac 17 desktop. If the link won't activate, I'll have to figure out how to do that. Here's the web address to the photo album.


I'll keep trying. The sample seems to be for a PC.. Cheers, Dan


New member

M125X, Case 1370, 1941 JD "B"
Dec 21, 2012
Nashville TN
I got the photobucket album created, but can't seem to figure out how to link it to the post. Here's the web address to the album. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thanks all. Cheers, Dan

Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Countrymech, if your on a PC there is a huge walk threw section that is at the top of the Service/Repair page which explains how to post pics to here and how to work Photobucket.



B6100, B7100, B8200, B9200, G4200, L175, L35
Jan 22, 2012
Tacoma, WA
Hello Countrymech,

Welcome to the forum!

You're a man after my own heart. The L35 that I bought is in similar condition to your project. Mine was in a garage fire and the whole structure went. I think mine got hotter than yours based on the fact that the tires burned up. I'm not sure the fire department was ever called. It almost appears to be an insurance burn job if I didn't know better. When I removed the pins from the front loader and the backhoe, neither had any appreciable wear.

Anyway, mine is sitting patiently waiting for me to get to it. Need to get my shop built first though. I agree, it will be a lot of work, but likely not as bad as it initially appears. I keep hoping to find a metal dipping outfit because I think it would save a ton of time to remove the rust using the dipping process rather than sandblasting. $$$ though...

Looks to me like you scored! That is a very nice tractor and will be awesome when finished!

I look forward to following your progress.

Merry Christmas,



New member

Kubota L175
Apr 15, 2011
Dan, You asked for it so here is everything about my Kubota ;) happy reading. I'm in the Joelton area,about 10 minutes north of Nash. My other on going projects are a 65 T-Bird and SAAB's
Wow, those pic's tell me you've got your hands full. If you can do it your going to have a nice tractor.
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New member

M125X, Case 1370, 1941 JD "B"
Dec 21, 2012
Nashville TN
Got the tractor stripped, head's off, for the most part it all looks fantastic. I will, however pull the pan and pistons, for a re-ring, as there was some water in two cylinders. There was so much oily crud on top of the engine, that it acted like an insulating blanket. The paint was not peeled on the engine, even on top! The engine will live, for sure.
Is anyone aware of which puller is needed to pull the injection pump? Looks like around 32mm medium fine thread.
Cheers, Dan