Dynamo /Alternator Bearing replacement


New member

Oct 9, 2012
Springville, Indiana
Hello, been viewing this site for some time now and getting a lot of information regarding my B8200 I bought used back in the early summer. My fan belt broke the other day and I got a new replacement whihc immediately started smoking as soon as I installed it and fired her up.

You can tell by the subject of the post the alternator was siezed up. Now I have ordered a new one, but would like to rebuild the original for a back up.

One of the small bearings in there is siezed up and wont turn. Anyone out there have experience with changing these out? I am fairly mechanically inclined and have done things like this before. I tried to use a socket to give it a little persuasion, but decided a press might be better. if anyone knows the size needed that would be great too. It is the smaller magnetic dyno type alternator.. it appears there is a little ring or a lip that stands in the way of removing the bearing, but just wanted some other perspectives on the situation.

Thanks ahead of time - and maybe I will post up some picks of my little jewel. I had an 8N but just coudnt take having to work on it everytime I wanted to start it, so I sold it and got a heck of deal on this B8200.

Thanks again!!


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2011 L 3940 w/ FEL, 6ft shredder
Apr 20, 2011
abbeville, louisiana
Funny you should ask, I have one that did the same thing about a week ago on my generator ( kubota d 850engine) and change bearings on it for thirty bucks. I just pulled it apart and brought it to local industrial supply store which matched the bearings. Not a big deal. If it is built like mine, it has three bearings.


New member

Oct 9, 2012
Springville, Indiana
Yea, Im pretty sure it is a fairly common failure, as i have seen some posts on other websites. I am just having a hard time getting the bearings out - they are in there pretty tight. Some of the other guys had one come out on the shaft just by pulling the shaft out. mine stayed in the carrier and I have tried a few different methods to remove them, with no luck.

you didnt happen to record the size of bearings did you?? One site had a link to where the guy bought them, but the link was broken. I am certain I can fix it once I get them out and find replacements. I may have to resort to cutting on them with a dremel.

Anyone else out there completed this task with sucess??

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I'm going to try and follow this post close. I have a B6100E with a dynmo and while mine spins free its not charging and putting out current. I'd like to see if I could tackle a repair myself as I'm not looking to fork out almost 200 bucks for a new one.


New member

Oct 9, 2012
Springville, Indiana
If your interested, I ordered my new replacement off ebay for 70 bucks. There is a fella there who has a qty of new takeoffs he is sellling. He says an associate of his installs kubota diesel generators into RVs and takes these off the new generators prior to installing them. Makes sense as the RV would provides its own source to charge its batteries- keep posted here and I will let you know how it works out as I should have it by the weekend and it only takes a few minutes to install.


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B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow
Aug 14, 2009
Western Ky
Eric, have you taken it apart yet? Seems to me that I read something that SDvic wrote that these little dyno's are susceptible to dirt accumulation that would interfere with the fields causing a no charge state. Again, from memory,a blow out would solve. No effects on the bearing issue though.

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I've had an on going problem with mine for quite sometime. It's something I've just dealt with by jump starting it but my own blind stupidity caused the problem a few years ago. I went to rewire the battery terminal wires and had done it backwards. I think I had it wired where positive was ground and ground was positive. A friend of mine whose been a mechanic of all sorts helped me look at it last year and we even called the dealer to double check everything and now its wired like it should be. So I figure either now I need to replace the dynamo or get a fresh battery in there.


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B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow
Aug 14, 2009
Western Ky
Eric, In all likeliness you are right about the dyno. A battery really doesn't care if its a positive or negative ground system as long as the charging circuit matches. I would suppose a need for a new volt regulator as well. I understand the need to jump these little orange beasts. I went out to move my two tractors and the glow plug controllers, Ni-chrome wires, were burned out on both tractors and It had been in the mid-thirties the night before, never heard them burning out in unison before! I ran the batteries down before I realized.

Apologies to the OP, original poster, Have you progressed anywhere on your needed repairs? Still need help on something? Let us know back if it worked out.(we like to keep trying to add to the body of knowledge that may help someone else.)


New member

Oct 9, 2012
Springville, Indiana
hey guys I installed the new replacement unit I received very fast from the guy in Florida on ebay. I ordered it on Tuesday and installed it Thursday evening. It fit fine with absolutely no issues. i checked the output and all is good. I tightened up my new belt and moved a little dirt around, back in business. Now I will try to get the bearings out of the bad one. I have a feeling my dremel is going to get a workout.. Will post back the progress here later. I will try and post a picture of the new unit this weekend. Thanks to all thus far.


New member

Oct 9, 2012
Springville, Indiana
Eric, thats correct - If you dont mind the fact they were taken off brand new kubota diesel generators, that is what the gentlemen told me. I got a phone call from him after I tried to contact his number but only got voice mail.. he said a guy he knows is installing these generators in RVs and taking the alternators and switches off. They get integrated in the RV systems and these are not needed on the RVs.

It came in priority usps only two days, free shipping to my door. and it was bubble wrapped. it fits forms and functions just like to one I removed - only this one works of course. 13 .7 volts or so output . One difference is it is not painted though, not sure what that is about, but if you want it orange or blue that would be on the new owner.

Going to a corn maze today with the family and I promise I will snap some pix and post them up.

Take Care,

FYI here is the Ebay item number - he has sold three already. 170921366258
Last edited:


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
Eric, thats correct - If you dont mind the fact they were taken off brand new kubota diesel generators, that is what the gentlemen told me. I got a phone call from him after I tried to contact his number but only got voice mail.. he said a guy he knows is installing these generators in RVs and taking the alternators and switches off. They get integrated in the RV systems and these are not needed on the RVs.

It came in priority usps only two days, free shipping to my door. and it was bubble wrapped. it fits forms and functions just like to one I removed - only this one works of course. 13 .7 volts or so output . One difference is it is not painted though, not sure what that is about, but if you want it orange or blue that would be on the new owner.

Going to a corn maze today with the family and I promise I will snap some pix and post them up.

Take Care,

FYI here is the Ebay item number - he has sold three already. 170921366258
It is so disappointing when someone joins the site because of an immediate need, then don't participate past that. I would like to have seen pictures.

These dynamos are no longer available on Ebay. A friend at church has a B7100HST with a siezed dynamo. Does anyone have a good writeup or link to rebuilding one?


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
I found this place in another thread lastnight that has a replacemnet dynamo for 105 bucks. http://www.dbelectrical.com/p-3638-new-permanent-magnet-alternator-kubota-tractor-and-utv-10935.aspx

I had totally forgot all about this posting!
Nice find- are you going to order one? Did you clean yours out to see if it would produce juice?
I may pull the one off that's locked up, and see if I can get to the bearings. Or, let him know about this one, and see which route he wants to go. Myself, I would prefer to replace the bearings.



2012 Kubota 2320, 2002 Honda Rubicon
Dec 1, 2010
Riverview, NB, Canada
Mine crapped out 2 years ago (1980 B7100) - still charging but pulley was wobbling around & just happened to notice it. Can't remember all the details to change the bearings but did it in my shop & got the bearings from a small engine/motorcycle shop for $5 ea.


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
Mine crapped out 2 years ago (1980 B7100) - still charging but pulley was wobbling around & just happened to notice it. Can't remember all the details to change the bearings but did it in my shop & got the bearings from a small engine/motorcycle shop for $5 ea.
That sounds good.

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Nice find- are you going to order one? Did you clean yours out to see if it would produce juice?
I may pull the one off that's locked up, and see if I can get to the bearings. Or, let him know about this one, and see which route he wants to go. Myself, I would prefer to replace the bearings.
NOPE not yet! It's on my list of things to do just haven't gotten around to doing it yet. I'm a bad Kubota parent, I've kinda neglected my lil Bota and haven't given her the attention she deserves. Haven't had a use for her so I haven't put her to work. I need to stop procrastinating and fix it.


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B2410, B7100dt, B7500,Woods BH750,Landpride 2660RFM, Tiller, B2781 Snowblower
Apr 26, 2010
Alfred Maine
I found this place in another thread lastnight that has a replacemnet dynamo for 105 bucks. http://www.dbelectrical.com/p-3638-new-permanent-magnet-alternator-kubota-tractor-and-utv-10935.aspx

I had totally forgot all about this posting!
You had better call before you order that. I don't think they are correct for the B6100 & B7100 that have the dynamo with the built in water outlet. Those shown are for the later model tractors that have the dynamo mounted on the side of the engine.


Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
You had better call before you order that. I don't think they are correct for the B6100 & B7100 that have the dynamo with the built in water outlet. Those shown are for the later model tractors that have the dynamo mounted on the side of the engine.

Eric McCarthy

New member
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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
You had better call before you order that. I don't think they are correct for the B6100 & B7100 that have the dynamo with the built in water outlet. Those shown are for the later model tractors that have the dynamo mounted on the side of the engine.
That's the one I need, mine sits right behind the fan blade on the engine.