Broken Gear on PTO B7100

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
In order to give you the right part # give the tooth count, serial #, and what exact model it is. ;)
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Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
A little update on my whole broken gear tooth on my early years model B7100/7001.

I have explored many options with this and here is what I have found.

1) My local dealer (well they are a chain and each individual store specializes in one of their lines they carry, mine specializes in New Holland) called the Kubota store and ordered the part and said it would be in by Wednesday/Thursday of this week. Well after talking to several (4) Kubota only dealers and they all said the part is discontinued, I don't hold much faith.

2) After speaking with one of the Kubota parts people, I ordered the new gear that fits the shaft and it will be here Wed/Thur and then I will have to modify it to fit. I spoke to one of the best machine shops around and he is willing to work with me on machining it to the right width, if everything else works.

3) I have spoke to 7 salvage places and they don't have one because it is gone or they don't have any salvaged 7100's.

4) I have a friend in Canada who's best friend's husband is a parts person at a Kubota dealer. He is looking and told her "That part is unbelievably rare. I'm still looking" This guy is actually coming to Kansas next week and if they find it, he will bring it with him.

5) Repairing the gear. I have had two people tell me they won't do it. I spoke with another guy at a county fair (a friend's wife's dad) say he would do it at his shop. Too bad his shop is 6 plus hours away.

6) I haven't explored getting a new gear cut out by a gear shop or by someone with a big CNC machine.

So time will tell what happens to my Kubota. I can tell you this, I may be in the market for a newer tractor after I get this one fixed.



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B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Thanks for the update, I share the same tractor that the serial number starts with 7001. I have all the original stickers on the tractor and it seems to be a b7100. U

It stinks that you can't find the part. What part numbers are you working with?

I would think if you could find a good machine shop they should be able to make one for you. I have a few around me and every time I go there they surprise me with what they can build or cut. I show up with stupid little projects and they laugh at me and cut my stuff while they eat lunch.


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
Just got the new gear this morning. It is wider, but I went and got two shims/spacers and am able to make it work without using the snap ring. Now to just put it all back together, fill with fluid and off we go.




Aug 13, 2013
Pacific Islander
Just got the new gear this morning. It is wider, but I went and got two shims/spacers and am able to make it work without using the snap ring. Now to just put it all back together, fill with fluid and off we go.


do you have some actual photos please thanks

for future reference.


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
If you have an early model B7100 or a grey market B7001 and you break the spur gear on your PTO and need part number 66711-14530, you will find that it has been discontinued. There are none to be found in the US and most salvage yards say they are missing. Do not be afraid, all is good. I am here to share my fix. Go ahead and order #66706-14530.

When the part arrives you will see that it is thicker.

Not to worry.
First thing, get some gasket material and make your own gasket.

Then take your PTO, gears and bearings to an autoparts store and get two shims/spacers. I can not tell you the size you will just have to measure and trial and error.

With this wider gear, there is no chance to use the snap ring as the groove is covered by the gear, that is where the shims come in. You will need to put the bearing on that is closest to the machine. Then put one of your shims on next. Slide your gear, with the smooth side towards the shim. Then put the other shim on the opposite side and finish up with your bearing that is on the outside and runs in the cover. When you get it all together test fit it and put the shaft into the cover and give it a turn. The added shim and the thick part of the gear (sorry don't know the real name) holds the gear above the race and case of the true PTO output shaft. If it hits, you will need to get thicker shims. If you can't get the bearing to bottom out on the shaft, your shims are too thin. Trail and error will be your friend. Or a set of calipers makes the job easier.

In the picture, you can see one of the shims on the left the one on the right is between the bearing and gear. The gear that is getting replaced is the one on the bottom.

Put it all together, fill with oil and you are back in business.

Here is one of the beginning trial and errors. I put the two shims on one side. It didn't give enough clearance. Note the bearing isn't installed all the way.

A couple of things. I know the two widths of gears probably isn't right. I am sure someone with tell me how bad that is. I guess that is my problem to deal with. I had to decide between doing this or having a worthless hunk of metal in the garage.

I mowed and used the PTO for probably 8 hours over the last two days and it is running perfect.

I hope this helps any one out that finds themselves in the same situation I was in.


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Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
JR, nice of you to come back, esp. with pictures, to show how you overcame the problem. You'll undoubtedly save someone a lot of grief!

You'll probably have an extra profitable garden next year for your effort.:D