b6000 hydraulics/front blade question


New member

Oct 11, 2010
monroe, ct
So i just picked up my second b6000, except this "new"one comes with the factory 4 way kufd110 blade and controls already mounted. I was going to take off the blade off of the new one, and mount it on my "old" one, however I noticed the hydraulic block where the lines run in on the new b6000 is a bit different than the block on my old b6000. There seems to be two hookup points on the block of the new b6000 ( the one with the blade already mounted), but none on my old b6000, just the hydraulic block, no hookups. Any ideas? Will i not be able to hook up the new blade to the old b6000? I am emotionally attached to my old b6000 which is the only reason I want to keep it but install the factory blade on it. Either way, I gotta sell one of them. Thanks in advance for the help....anyone wanna buy a good running b6000?