3rd Function Hydraulic Hoses



L3560 HSDC
Oct 17, 2016
West Michigan
When they delivered my L3560 with the 3rd function valve added I saw the same thing... hydraulic hose hanging under the tractor running dow the middle head to the back. I ran to the garage and came back with a hand full of zip ties. Told him that he can not leave it like that - it will get ripped off. He agreed and crawled under the tractor and tucked the hoses up and tie rapped them up in a protected area. Took all of 5 minutes, and no problem since.

I would have rather not had it show up like that, but he took care of it pretty quick.

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Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
So is it Merry Christmas or Happy Christmas in NZ?
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in my book. Other people seem to think Happy Christmas is OK, but I'm claiming it's not because that particular saying is authoritative. :)


New member

L 3560 HSTC
Jul 17, 2018
When they delivered my L3560 with the 3rd function valve added I saw the same thing... hydraulic hose hanging under the tractor running dow the middle head to the back. I ran to the garage and came back with a hand full of zip ties. Told him that he can not leave it like that - it will get ripped off. He agreed and crawled under the tractor and tucked the hoses up and tie rapped them up in a protected area. Took all of 5 minutes, and no problem since.

I would have rather not had it show up like that, but he took care of it pretty quick.

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^ Thanks for recognizing a problem with the Kubota offered 3rd function kit. This "kit" was not installed on the tractor I am buying....when I made our deal. Days later I see this situation after the dealer installs the Kubota "kit".....and knowing what I know.....this is unaceppatble. Why? Because it will get ripped away within weeks of mowing in the brush and weeds.....or get caught on a stump or other debis. It's not acceptable to MOST (pardon my emphasis - not shouting) folks that operate these tractors.

So....I came here looking for a little advice and help with a new tractor buy.....and in short....here we are. Read the first page....it actually started out fairly nice I thought......but then went downhill after a few posts and an exchange with your mod.

Now....some folks may think that everything offered by Kubota is "good to go". And..... if your operating this equipment on a lawn or a manicured pasture.....maybe it is. BUT (there I go with my emphasis - not shouting!).....the primary reason most folks buy a 3rd function....is to operate a grapple or a snow plow. In my case it is a grapple and my dealer knows this as he converted my current grapple from the JD pin mount to the SS mount used by kubota...in an effort to '"close" our deal. It did not occur to me at that time.....that Kubota would hang those 3rd function hoses behind the front wheel at the lowest position on the tractor.....to be exposed to the brush and chit that naturally occurs in the real world. Bad situation!

After being chastised here for bringing this point up (read back).....I was then admonished (with rolling eyes no less ) by the mod of this fine site.....and told that if I was unhappy....maybe I should be looking for another tractor. Riiiight. At this point I suppose it wont make a huge difference in my life if I just walk away.....buy a JD or a Kioti or Maharinda.....or some other product. ....or simply keep my opens station JD which is a fine tractor with only 600 hours. I am getting old....and simply want a cab tractor for the operating comfort and to get rid of the bees and hordes of deer flies that infest this land.

Today I went to look at "my new tractor" .....and while being promised to me over a week ago....they were still trying to figure out how to put the 4th and 5th functions together.....much less figure out how to fix the 3rd function problem (hose exposure) I have complained about.

I brought the dealer the solution (complete with diagrams and a "print" to make the soliton - I have like 25 mechanical patents and I think I know a thing or three about making simple gadgets) ....as provided in posts by a member on this site.....and also shown on TBN. It's like a $20 fix for him or Kubota......and he flinched at putting it on this tractor. I provide him with pics and easy drawings on how to easily solve this issue.

I did not hold his feet to the fire on price when making our deal.....nor drive a hard bargain....as I do realize folks need to make a profit. BTDT. But, he is going to talk to Kubota to see if they will stand behind this "fix" I proposed. If I take delivery as it is now.....it's a mater of time before it will cost me several hundred dollars and a pain to fix it.

My position?......I will walk in a heartbeat if they dont do this. End of story.

Sure....you can flame me if you like....call me unreasonable....and ban me from speaking my piece....but at the end of the day.....this Kubota 3rd function hose set-up is still an accident waiting to happen.

Ban me if you must. I'm just too old to give two Schmidts about this kinda treatment. So-long.
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Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
Hmm. Your post feels like an overreaction.

No, the kit isn't ideal. Yes, as a customer it's your right to tell the dealer you don't want it unless he fixes it, and if he doesn't meet your needs, absolutely you should buy a product that suits you better.

All of those are your prerogative, I think where people take exception is the emotional content you're adding to it. It shouldn't be emotional, it's a business transaction. Buy the tractor if you want it, don't buy it if you don't want it, if you can get the dealer to change it to how you like it, that's good too. Some people would be OK with it as-is for their usage, some people would be happy to add the protection themselves. That's their right too.

For my view, it sounds like your dealer is pretty unwilling to be accommodating. I doubt it would cost them much to make the change you've requested. But that's a dealer problem rather than a Kubota problem, and some on here are reacting to your casting that as some inadequacy on Kubota's part. I suspect a dealer who was more familiar with Kubota tractors would have told you when you ordered that kit that it didn't have great protection, and then discussed with you at that time what could be done to rectify that.

Any way, if I were you I probably wouldn't have posted quite so confrontational a comment as your last one - it's not helpful and is likely to get the exact result you seem concerned about - i.e. a banning or other moderation action. It's easy enough to have a conversation without doing that - if you'd said:

I went to see the dealer again, gave him the plans for the great mod that I saw on this site. He's looking into it to see if he can do that, but he seems nervous about doing it - he wants to know that Kubota will stand behind it. It's a big deal for me, so if he won't do it then I'll probably not buy the tractor

then that would lead to an interesting conversation on here from other members. It's basically the same thing you've said, just without as much emotional investment, and it's pitching it in a way others can contribute. I think that'd be more productive than issuing ultimatums to random people on an internet site who really don't care whether you buy a Kubota tractor or not (and some of whom, this being the internet, might choose to say some things to you just for the entertainment value of it).
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L3560 HSDC
Oct 17, 2016
West Michigan
^ Thanks for recognizing a problem with the Kubota offered 3rd function kit.
Actually, mine was a WR Long kit... not a Kubota issue. It is just the routing the hydraulic lines have to take for a 3rd function valve. The dealer can be tidy about it during the installation, or sloppy and leave the hoses exposed. But it did not seem that big of a deal that it could not be fixed easily... I guess that was the point I was trying to make. But this discussion has gotten out of hand - so good luck to you, and I hope it works out for you.

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New member

L3901, with not enough attachments
Jun 8, 2015
^ Thanks for recognizing a problem with the Kubota offered 3rd function kit. This "kit" was not installed on the tractor I am buying....when I made our deal. Days later I see this situation after the dealer installs the Kubota "kit".....and knowing what I know.....this is unaceppatble. Why? Because it will get ripped away within weeks of mowing in the brush and weeds.....or get caught on a stump or other debis. It's not acceptable to MOST (pardon my emphasis - not shouting) folks that operate these tractors.

So....I came here looking for a little advice and help with a new tractor buy.....and in short....here we are. Read the first page....it actually started out fairly nice I thought......but then went downhill after a few posts and an exchange with your mod.

Now....some folks may think that everything offered by Kubota is "good to go". And..... if your operating this equipment on a lawn or a manicured pasture.....maybe it is. BUT (there I go with my emphasis - not shouting!).....the primary reason most folks buy a 3rd function....is to operate a grapple or a snow plow. In my case it is a grapple and my dealer knows this as he converted my current grapple from the JD pin mount to the SS mount used by kubota...in an effort to '"close" our deal. It did not occur to me at that time.....that Kubota would hang those 3rd function hoses behind the front wheel at the lowest position on the tractor.....to be exposed to the brush and chit that naturally occurs in the real world. Bad situation!

After being chastised here for bringing this point up (read back).....I was then admonished (with rolling eyes no less ) by the mod of this fine site.....and told that if I was unhappy....maybe I should be looking for another tractor. Riiiight. At this point I suppose it wont make a huge difference in my life if I just walk away.....buy a JD or a Kioti or Maharinda.....or some other product. ....or simply keep my opens station JD which is a fine tractor with only 600 hours. I am getting old....and simply want a cab tractor for the operating comfort and to get rid of the bees and hordes of deer flies that infest this land.

Today I went to look at "my new tractor" .....and while being promised to me over a week ago....they were still trying to figure out how to put the 4th and 5th functions together.....much less figure out how to fix the 3rd function problem (hose exposure) I have complained about.

I brought the dealer the solution (complete with diagrams and a "print" to make the soliton - I have like 25 mechanical patents and I think I know a thing or three about making simple gadgets) ....as provided in posts by a member on this site.....and also shown on TBN. It's like a $20 fix for him or Kubota......and he flinched at putting it on this tractor. I provide him with pics and easy drawings on how to easily solve this issue.

I did not hold his feet to the fire on price when making our deal.....nor drive a hard bargain....as I do realize folks need to make a profit. BTDT. But, he is going to talk to Kubota to see if they will stand behind this "fix" I proposed. If I take delivery as it is now.....it's a mater of time before it will cost me several hundred dollars and a pain to fix it.

My position?......I will walk in a heartbeat if they dont do this. End of story.

Sure....you can flame me if you like....call me unreasonable....and ban me from speaking my piece....but at the end of the day.....this Kubota 3rd function hose set-up is still an accident waiting to happen.

Ban me if you must. I'm just too old to give two Schmidts about this kinda treatment. So-long.
Sounds like your dealing with this issue with the dealer, I hope all works out for you.


New member

L 3560 HSTC
Jul 17, 2018
Well, I got my new tractor delviered today. They still did not have the right QD attachments for the grapple.....but promised them soon. No issue.

The dealer made a plate like was descibed above....and authorized by Kubota. The dealer thanked me for "standing my ground" on this issue and had several more "plates" made up for future sales on this tractor. He told me it made so much sense that they will include it on any tractor of this type (with 3rd function) that they sell.

So, today I put about six hours on the clock and mowed some ground that was getting out of control. Some pro's and con's when compared to the Deere products.....but all in all I was very satisfied with my purchase. I'm happy.

If you get a 3rd function from Kubota and operate in the woods or heavy debris....I would encourage you to look at this solution.

Sorry it became such an issue for a few of us.....but, sometimes, that is the way it is.

Best to all......Foggy.
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New member
Jun 4, 2016
fair haven,vt
it is not a kubota issue it is a tech not caring about it issue. i guess kubota could add 2 pages to the instruction kit to make sure techs tie up hoses and make sure they are routed in a neat and protected manner but then again most techs will just throw the instructions aside and go at it