Mulch Door for a RCK60-29B Deck on a B2620


New member

B2620, 60" MMM
Jun 14, 2014
Glasford IL
We are starting to have the leaves fall pretty good in our 1 acre yard and the MMM RCK60-29B deck on my B2620 wasn't doing a good job at all with chopping up the leaves, even with the gator blades on the deck (

I decided I'd make up a mulch door for the deck real quick to see if that would help out. It's nothing fancy (maybe a good example of "creative use of available materials" ;) ) but it worked GREAT for mulching up the leaves with the gator blades. It just leaves a small line up finely chopped leaves on the discharge side of the deck, so I just mowed with the discharge facing the center of the yard and when I got down to the last pass, I sucked up the line of leafs with the far left side of the deck a couple times to chop them finer and disperse them. I don't think it would mulch up tall grass that well with the underside of the deck being so wide open, so maybe I'll make up mulch deck insert like the BX MMMs have this winter???

Here is our side yard after mulching everything up. It was full off birch leaves, and walnut leaves and stems. (rake up the last of the walnuts earlier, only got about 250 gallons this year....)

And here is the mulch door after I tested it out and before I painted it. I just used some pieces of 1" angle and a couple pieces of 1/8" pipe I had laying around for the frame, then I had a nice chuck of 1/4" plastic that I used for the door.

A closer look at the frame:

Then a little paint:

Then I put it back on again to do some more mulching, that spring is a bit of pain in the butt:

Hope everyone had a good weekend!


Well-known member

L225 w/woods Few Mowers & Back Blade, D722 in Motorcycle (Triumph Tiger), LMTV
Nov 16, 2012
Southern OH
Interesting. Didn't know of such a thing or of Gator Blades. Guess I got some research to do. Anyone got pics/drawings, explanation how it works, of the Mulch Deck insert he speaks of?


Well-known member

L225 w/woods Few Mowers & Back Blade, D722 in Motorcycle (Triumph Tiger), LMTV
Nov 16, 2012
Southern OH
Here you go, these are from someone on "my tractor forum"
ahhhhh.. ok so the insert better traps the cuttings in the deck and keeps whacking at them. Just mowed my back acre-ish with belly mower.... and it got clogged up enough to stop the engine or slip the PTO belts* several times... granted the weeds were knee high.

* deck is old and not direct mid PTO drive but rear PTO to belt drive