Good day.
To me what OP describe doesn’t seem unusual, although I don’t have an L.
For OP SxS, how many hours were you running the side by side to fill once a winter (how many gallons and how using during the hours ran?). That’s hard to compare to a tractor I think.
I would say if trying to compare it to use in previous side by side need to consider the hours that it was used for the fuel burn rate. Either way it’s probably a different engine and a much different use so not a fair comparison IMO. But look at the hours vs consumption across the board. Not time between refills….because the engine certainly wasn’t running all that time in the side by side.
As far as my usage, this is approximate:
For the B, it’s about .6 ish per hour, not more than .8ish per hour. My normal use is mowing in which case it’s running at 540 PTO speed to WFO if the grass has gotten tall, using grapple fork and skidding logs doing firewood WFO and putting between barns, gardens etc. I would estimate 25-30 percent of time I’m idling or puttering around on it. When its time to refill, i go ahead and grease it too.
For the MX, its every bit of double the consumption of the B…it’s closer to 1.8 - 2.0 gallons per hour. Aside from initial start up / warm, it’s not running less than 2000 rpm’, at PTO rated speed or WFO. If I am puttering on it I’m still at 2000 rpm’s. I only take it down to idle when heading to barn to put it away. (I don’t idle it like I do the B). Same general uses as the B but on larger scale of tasks/chores. Same routine though as the B, where she’s thirsty I give her a lubing too…and on the Mx I also check the build up of chaff on radiator screen (sometimes this needs done more frequently when mowing if pasture too tall)
As I mentioned the fuel consumption per hour is more per hour on the MX, but from efficiency of work completed it’s easily 3x more efficient, maybe more….so the fuel it consumes for the work is really less than it would be with the B for the tasks the B could do, if it could actually do them. Point here is I think fuel consumption really depends on how you are using the machine and the tasks completed.
Length of time to refill depends on the size of tank and burn rate….for both machines if I would actually them use all day at rated RPMs they will both get filled up and lubed.
OP, Is that what you were asking? I’m hope it helps to your question
