Fuel sediment bowl not staying full


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
Kubota B7100

I was tilling ground this yesterday and after about 100-125 feet of tilling, I started to lose power and tractor ran rough. I would stop tilling and throttle down, wait a few minutes and all would be fine.

I soon noticed that the sediment bowl was about 3/4 to 1/2 full of diesel.

If I let it fill up 3/4 full, I could till about 100 feet full throttle before it almost ran out of fuel. Luckily most of my garden spots are about 100 feet long.

I am very limited on time right now, so I am hope someone can help troubleshoot my problem before I spend lots of time tearing into it.

Plugged fuel line?

Obstruction in the tank?

Sediment bowl assembly?

Tank vent?

I took the fuel tank lid off, but that didn't help to fill it any faster.

Fuel filter was new last fall and I didn't drive it much this winter.

Any other quick and easy ideas.


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Lifetime Member

Feb 22, 2018
Gulfport, MS USA
Don't know what tractor you have, or what setup. Typically if the sediment bowl is not full, you are getting air somewhere. An obstruction in the fuel tank could cause the injector pump to suck really hard on the line (and therefore draw air in from a cracked fuel line or a bad fitting etc.) Is your bowl lower than the bottom of the fuel tank? On my L3901 gravity feeds the sediment bowl and then there is an electric "lift pump" before it goes on to the octopus. Look for the obvious leaks - change your filters...it may be something simple like the sediment bowl not properly seated.


Active member

Kubota M4500, NH TD95D,Ford 4610
Jun 17, 2017
The Palouse - North Idaho
Kubota B7100

I was tilling ground this yesterday and after about 100-125 feet of tilling, I started to lose power and tractor ran rough. I would stop tilling and throttle down, wait a few minutes and all would be fine.

I soon noticed that the sediment bowl was about 3/4 to 1/2 full of diesel.

If I let it fill up 3/4 full, I could till about 100 feet full throttle before it almost ran out of fuel. Luckily most of my garden spots are about 100 feet long.

I am very limited on time right now, so I am hope someone can help troubleshoot my problem before I spend lots of time tearing into it.

Plugged fuel line?

Obstruction in the tank?

Sediment bowl assembly?

Tank vent?

I took the fuel tank lid off, but that didn't help to fill it any faster.

Fuel filter was new last fall and I didn't drive it much this winter.

Any other quick and easy ideas.


Start at the tank and make sure you have good fuel flow all the way to the injector pump. I think you have an blockage somewhere.