OK anyone that would listen know my distain for the (*(**&&^%%$@#$^&^%&*))) R4 tires on this B. I dont know what brain truss thought putting skid steer tires on a tractor was a good idea should be,,, welllll reprimanded really hard !!! Today with some snow on the ground, the BX just did what it always does with the R4s and went where I pointed it no worries. Hence the R4s on the B, I never thought they would be different but they are. They look good but are completely worthless on anything that is wet or even damp! So after slipping and sliding and lots of naughty words ,I got wood out of the barn to the house for the next couple days. The BX crawled right out of the same place same kind of snow everything no sweat. SOOOO I checked for a set of chains, 

Like 5 bills that aint gona happen, now I ask has anyone made a set of chains for their tractor that hasnt wound up breaking or falling off,, if so tell me HOW you did it. Pictures would be nice, chain size, keeper size, you know all that kind of stuff