B2601 vs B2650


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Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
Been looking at upgrading my BX23 for a while now. Had originally planned on a B2601, then decided to go with a B2650. Still pretty certain I should go with the B2650, but debating it a little.

Whatever tractor I get, I will want a FEL with SSQA, forks, backhoe, and 60" MMM. Also somewhat interested in getting a grapple. My use includes a lot of lawn mowing in the summer, and I also use the FEL and backhoe quite a bit as well. I will use the tractor on multiple properties, so I'll be hauling it now and then.

The B2601 honestly sort of feels like it fits me my use a little better. Smaller, easier to haul, easier to get into tight spaces. It's mostly the fact that I want a set of forks and a grapple for the FEL that has me wanting the B2650 for more capacity. I also like the idea of the more capable backhoe on the B2650 as well, but that's less of a factor.

But I'm wondering how they compare as a mower. I'd say 60-70% of my use with the tractor is mowing. I'm not that worried about tearing things up with the larger tractor; I grew up mowing the lawn with a John Deere 1050 with ag tires. I'm more concerned with quality of cut, handling on rough uneven terrain, and the mowing experience in general between the two. I'm definintely going with a 60" with either tractor. I can't go to a 72" due to my trailer, and anyway while I mow a lot of wide open area I also mow around a lot of trees.

Also a little concerned with the fact that the B2650 doesn't work as nicely with switching between a backhoe and MMM as a B2601. Yes, I would never use them together at the same time, but it does kind of suck that if for some reason I'd ever have a reason to have them both on at the same time, I would have to have the MMM pinned up, and that each time I'd take the backhoe off to use the mower I'd have to attach the 3ph arms.

At this point I'm just typing out my thoughts. Any input is appreciated.

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Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
I think the 2650 mower rides on the ground, where the 2601 is suspended. I've never got a clear story as to which would ride better or worse, but I think in the 72 inch ground contact may make for a more nicely contoured cut.

To me one of the big selling points of the 2650 would be the 72 inch mower. Choosing not to get that seems unusual. I think mowing close to things the 72 inch would be better as it hangs out wider.

In terms of capacities, the FEL lifts about 25% more. Do you have a view of what you'd be lifting and how often it'd be more than a 2601 can lift? You'd probably get a smaller grapple on a 2601, which would be lighter, so that would close the gap somewhat.


Sep 1, 2018
Lewisberry PA
I have the bx23 and have been looking at the 2650. For me I want the FEL capacity of the 2650. I also like the 72 inch mower but a little concerned with the weight of the 72 inch. Everyone says the slide easy but pushing a 60 inch mower on 2 titanium knees is about all I can do.

The only reason I haven’t traded is the trade in value.


Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
Yep, the overhang of the deck is a concern of mine too. I mow around a lot of trees and other things. But, I can't haul the tractor with a 72" deck attached.

I see a lot of guys here who mow with a 60" MMM on their B2650, so I figured it's something you get used to. Definitely interested in hearing comments from those who have this setup though.

I'm mowing with a 54" on the BX right now.


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
I have a B2650 with a cab and the 60 inch mmm. It cuts well, but getting close to bushes and trees leads to knocking the mirrors out of whack. So I am always attacking the greenery with pruning shears or enlarging the mulch circle underneath. Same kind of issue with a ROPs tractor. The deck is easy to take on and off for the young. Mine goes on and stays on until winter. The more complicated issue arises with deck clearance with certain tire/spacer configurations.


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
PA- with that much time dedicated to mowing, I'd be searching for a ZT unless your property isn't conducive. Just how large an area are you mowing?

I have three mowers (two ZT's and a garden tractor/mower) along with the flail for the Kubota. I always opt for the ZT as long as it isn't muddy. They cut so much faster than any tractor especially if you have a "wooded" lot.

I get the fact that ZT mowers are a one-trick pony, but they do it very well leaving you more time to get other "tractor" work done.


Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
A zero-turn won't work for my situation. I mow hills that are too steep, and also get into areas sometimes where I have no doubt a zero-turn would get stuck.

I help my parents mow about 4.5 acres weekly in the summer, and I mow about 1.5 acres at another property I own where I have to trailer the machine. I only do that every three weeks or so though typically. The 1.5 acre lawn has a lot of trees to mow around, as well as some wet areas. I'd like to put in some drains over there at some point. My parents' lawn is big, not quite as many obstacles but it has some steep hills.



Mar 14, 2016
I too am a BX owner, and sometimes daydream about upgrading to either of these two B models.

One factor that I'm not sure about is the desirability of the ground following mid mount deck of the B2650, vs. the suspended deck on the B2601. I've read up on the subject, watched some videos, but I'm still unclear on which would be better for me.

I'm leaning toward the suspended, since I cut different parts of my property at different heights--the front lawn gets a more manicured look at about 3", but I've got other areas that are more lawn/meadow, which I leave higher.

I think I'd need to adjust the wheels on the B2650 wheels in order to change height, and if so, that would be a lot less convenient. I also wonder if those deck wheels are more likely to catch on stuff when I'm maneuvering through trails.

It's probably academic for me, as my BX is fine for about 85% of what I want it do, and the smaller footprint and lighter weight are often an advantage on my property.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Jack J, I am not sure if it is intended to be used this way, but I have gone in my pasture and mowed with the deck suspended with the 3 pt at 4 to 6 inches, and it seems to work fine. I ordinarily have the gage wheels set for 3 inches, but it seems like if you want to mow suspended on a lawn you could adjust gage wheels and anti scalp wheels up a bit and suspend to your taste. My lawn is anything but flat however and gage wheels work fine.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
A zero-turn won't work for my situation. I mow hills that are too steep, and also get into areas sometimes where I have no doubt a zero-turn would get stuck.

I help my parents mow about 4.5 acres weekly in the summer, and I mow about 1.5 acres at another property I own where I have to trailer the machine. I only do that every three weeks or so though typically. The 1.5 acre lawn has a lot of trees to mow around, as well as some wet areas. I'd like to put in some drains over there at some point. My parents' lawn is big, not quite as many obstacles but it has some steep hills.
Understood. Carry-on.


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L2501, JD 3520
Feb 2, 2011
Preston County, WV
Both my previous B7500 and B2650 had ground contact decks, 54" and 72", I'll offer a few comments. The nice thing with the ground contact deck is how well it follows the contour of the ground, but there are some negatives with it.

Its weight rather than adding traction consumes some as your tractor is not carrying it but pulling it along the ground. For instance I had a couple areas going across a slope where I had to make a turn up and both the B7500 and B2650 with no ballast and pulling the heavy decks generally spun their rear tires there. I tried it with the decks raised up and they didn't spin at all. Not a huge deal but...

In my case I acquired a lot of ground with more to mow which is why I changed to the B2650 and 72" deck. But it wasn't smooth, more of an old field that had been cut as a lawn over the years, and the deck running on those little wheels would constantly bounce and bang so I had to go really slow. On the smooth section of lawn around the house it did fine.

I generally cut grass around 4-4 1/2" which means dropping the wheels down that far. When you need clearance and raise the deck up, say to go across a ditch, those wheels are still hanging down that far unless you get off and raise them all up then lower them back again.

I think if I were in the market for a B series Kubota that was going to be used mostly for mowing with a 60" deck, as well as some FEL work I'd go with the B2601, 60" deck, Swift-Tach loader and R15 tires. Compared to the larger B I like it's slightly smaller size and the fact it's a little lower, and the suspended deck. The FEL on my old B7500 lifted everything I needed it to and it wasn't as strong as the one on a B2601. If you're thinking grapple do order whatever you get with SSQA and 3rd function so you'll be ready.



Mar 14, 2016
Jack J, I am not sure if it is intended to be used this way, but I have gone in my pasture and mowed with the deck suspended with the 3 pt at 4 to 6 inches, and it seems to work fine.
Thanks makes sense that you could use it suspended--I hadn't considered that. Without the physical stops, my BX deck would drift down, but I imagine that might not be a problem on the bigger tractor, especially if the deck linkage is still tied to the 3ph lift and position control comes into play.


Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
On transport with 72 inch deck - is your trailer width constrained or length, or both? Can you take it off and put it on the trailer behind or on its side beside the tractor? Depends on how often you're transporting, that'd be a pain to do all the time, but if it's occasional may let you get the larger deck.


Well-known member

multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
Thanks makes sense that you could use it suspended--I hadn't considered that. Without the physical stops, my BX deck would drift down, but I imagine that might not be a problem on the bigger tractor, especially if the deck linkage is still tied to the 3ph lift and position control comes into play.
I use the 60" MMM on my B1750 in "semi" suspended mode all of the time and have been doing so for over 20 years.

This is a significant advantage of a terrain following deck vis-à-vis a suspended deck. Simply mark the position on the position control handle where the deck just begins to rise from a level surface and lower the deck to that spot. The deck will cut at preset level without dropping into depressions. It also reduces/eliminates tracking in soft spots. Raise it a bit if crossing a high spot to prevent scalping or lower it a bit if crossing a depression transversely to allow the MMM to follow the ground into the depression eliminating uncut areas in the low spot.

I wouldn't own a suspended deck.



Well-known member

multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
Jack J, I am not sure if it is intended to be used this way, but I have gone in my pasture and mowed with the deck suspended with the 3 pt at 4 to 6 inches, and it seems to work fine. I ordinarily have the gage wheels set for 3 inches, but it seems like if you want to mow suspended on a lawn you could adjust gage wheels and anti scalp wheels up a bit and suspend to your taste. My lawn is anything but flat however and gage wheels work fine.
I do it all of the time.



Lifetime Member

Feb 13, 2019
I owned a B2601 and now a B2650. The 01 was a great tractor, really liked that rig, put some good hours on her. Turned on a dime, very maneuverable and capable for what I needed at the time. The B2650 is more machine, the FEL Capacity in real life seems more that its ratings. I have moved large rocks across my land with the pallet forks that the 01 would not budge. Also prefer the 60" Bucket over the 54"er. I pull a RFM but have a buddy with the MMM, he likes it a lot. Both are great tractors.


Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
On transport with 72 inch deck - is your trailer width constrained or length, or both? Can you take it off and put it on the trailer behind or on its side beside the tractor? Depends on how often you're transporting, that'd be a pain to do all the time, but if it's occasional may let you get the larger deck.
The constraint is width. My trailer deck is 77" wide.

I did think of the idea of removing the deck and hauling it off the tractor, but that would be a fairly major pain to do on a semi regular basis.


Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
I owned a B2601 and now a B2650. The 01 was a great tractor, really liked that rig, put some good hours on her. Turned on a dime, very maneuverable and capable for what I needed at the time. The B2650 is more machine, the FEL Capacity in real life seems more that its ratings. I have moved large rocks across my land with the pallet forks that the 01 would not budge. Also prefer the 60" Bucket over the 54"er. I pull a RFM but have a buddy with the MMM, he likes it a lot. Both are great tractors.
Interesting to hear an opinion from someone who has had both. Let me ask you this, did you find one or the other felt significantly more stable on hills?