Bedder w/ Mulch Layer design


New member

Kubota GL-23
Jul 12, 2011
Manila, Philippines
Hi guys! I'm from the Philippines and there is difficulty here in finding (if there is any) a bedder w/ Mulch layer. So I decided to design my own using the Google Sketchup software, then start building it next week or the week after. I am attaching the jpg files here hoping that you can give me comments or suggestions.

There are no measurements (sorry about that) but all those are something that can be acquired from the software itself. That is, if one wants to find out the dimension of each part.

For reference though, the disc is 18" diameter. The grey colored translucent tube on top is supposed to be the plastic mulch which has a diameter of 12". This is for a category 1 hitch system. Majority of the components are fully adjustable. I estimate that the bedder can furrow a depth of roughly 8" to 10".

I hope this is enough info... and hope you can help before I start with the build. Thanks all...



New member
Oct 12, 2010
Northeast MA
You need to add something to flatten the top of the bed before laying the plastic, otherwise you will get a concave top.