Talk about BS


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
So I get the mail today and there is a letter from the garbage hauler, they are discontinuing service out here at the end of the month. Now to find another hauler,, right :shitfan: So I call waste management well after listening to the girl for 20 min, I knew less than when I called in the first place. All I want/need is regular garbage pick u thats it,,, well sir you have to tell me which plan you want,,, plan??? I want you guys to pick up the garbage ,,yes but we have 2 different plans,, for what,, to pick up your garbage, if you rent our 96 gallon can you are limited to yada yadayada,,, Ok and plan number 2 .... is that you dont have our container, but you are permitted 10 bags of trash... ok so do your guys pick up all the stuff from the bags the dogs and coons and critters tear out.... no sir just the bags nothing else,, OK so I get the can and get rid of what ever or put bags out and have to clean stuff up in the morning after the dogs get into it,,that is correct sir,,, and the price for this super service is, 25.14 a month ok so 75 bucks a quarter,, no sir the price is 104.19 a quarter,,, wait 3 times 25 is 75 right? yes but you have to pay the ENVIRONMENTAL FEES also.....WTF is that,,,, well that coves fuel for our trucks and the disposal at our site,,, so an extra 30 bucks a month for fuel of a truck that goes past my place a couple times a week,,, yes sir everybody has to pay,,,.
Now I understand they are in business to make money and they have to pay a wage and everything that goes with it abd deal with liberal agencies but dayum that is a take it or leave it,rape if you ask me old folks on a fixed income cant afford that shit


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
I have rarely been as happy as the day I could call and discontinue my service with Waste Management because a little company had started service in my little town. Cheaper too, and for an added fee they will collect your recyclables in a separate bin on a different day. You are allowed extra stuff outside your bin, and have been really accommodating when I called and asked if they could take a bunch of stuff from a construction project.



Dec 1, 2014
Cleveland, ohio
We have the same problem with them.
We get a company for a while. They well out to wm.
We get higher prices.
Cancel the service and they want to charge to pick up the can from the previous company. I will bring it to you.

Just did it again and we canceled right away.
Then I get a late service charge for a credit on my bill.
Thats right, they owed me 1.17 and charged a 15 fee for being over 60 days!

They are creating a monster monopoly!



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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
You can always just become a hoarder to save the money/hassle of garbage disposal.:p

We have a dumpster that gets dumped monthly. I "tip" the driver and I can throw away anything I want except things that may blow up.


Active member

L3600, FEL, SnoBlower, Box Blade, Rear Blade, Forks, Cultivator, Plow
Jan 5, 2013
Sandpoint ID
Re: Talk about Trash

So in 4/2002, we moved to North Idaho from the epitome of suburbia in Colorado Springs.
We were paying $6 per/month for Waste management to pick up two cans at the curb

We get up here and WM wants $18 per/month to pick up 2 cans at the ranch

"Okay" I say it is farther fewer people blah blah blah

So we go through the Summer and into Nov paying 3 times the money for the same service.
Right about Thanksgiving, we have the trash still in front of the house, I call and ask what happened to our truck ???

Gal says "Well in the Winter we don't go down Private roads but if you want to leave the trash at the Highway we will get it for you" :) Same Price

So I have to load my truck with the trash, take it to the highway, unload it so you can pick it up...

Hmmmmm If I have to load it and unload it I might as well drive the 3 miles to the dump (Which I pay for anyway" myself and save the $18 a month.

"Yes sir, that is what most people do"

***SMH*** Welcome to Rural Life :p


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
We have WM in the area, but not immediate.

The Saturday we moved in just about 28 years ago happened to be garbage day for the previous owners.

The truck driver said you're not the homeowner.!?!?...driver was the owners son....small operation with a couple trucks.

Long story short been with the family's business since.

We've been paying $27/month for years. Granted, they will take most anything without a surcharge ,(within reason,), but I haven't heard $6 rates in a long, long time....

We are also quite rural, and I often load the truck when they stop.

Years later, that same driver took my 4 year old son with him on part of his route after stopping here.

We had gotten to be good friends with the whole garbage trucking family, 3 generations of them..... sometimes rural life is a good, good thing....[emoji3]

My son is looking at medical school now, and will still talk about that day in a good way...[emoji3]

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Lifetime Member

Feb 13, 2019
In the early 70's my buddy told me, 'Garbage is the Future', he has done extremely well since then in that business..


Well-known member
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Waste Management!!!!! I have written on my calendar for the month of Sept. "Send Letter to Waste Management".

About 30 years ago we had an agreement (verbal) with a local family that owned a trash hauling service. They picked up trash at two locations, one a 4-plex, one a 4 unit office building.

Ten years ago WM purchased this company and nothing changed....same trucks, same name on the totes, etc. But gradually the price goes up....but we keep paying. After 8 years I get a "surcharge" of $90 because the two totes were full and the lids would not close. Next week...the same thing. I call to see what precipitates this additional cost and they say it's in the agreement. I ask them "What agreement"? The agreement we have with you.

Turns out every five years if you don't specifically give them a letter in writing and in a timely fashion according to their "crap" you have another 5 years agreement simply by paying the invoice.

I've been putting up with this for the last couple of years, and I WILL NOT use WM for trash service even if I have to haul it myself!! Oh, but I've already got another service lined up to replace these Trash Can Bullies. And I will send them two letters certified mail two different times this month and include a copy in each payment stapled to the check.

Their own offices (service dept. is an over statement) do not agree on the timing of the required notice, that's why I'm sending more than one!

There's more to my disliking of this company, but you get the picture. DO NOT under any circumstances deal with WM trash haulers.


Well-known member
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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Good thing we don't have to pay for garbage pickup here, people litter bad enough as it is the morons.:rolleyes:

Daren Todd

Well-known member
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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Yup, I fired them as well. My issue with them was there billing. They would wait to till the last minute to send on invoice for the next quarter. So by the time your payment arrives, your past due and cut off from pick up. So then they would skip a week or so till the check cleared :mad:

When I called to cancel, they said I owed them money. I pointed out each week they missed the scheduled pickup and the fact they still owed me for 10 weeks of missed pickups that I had paid for.

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Well-known member
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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
I had the same issue with Republic Waste Haulers. WM will not service me because I am in a different township than my neighbor, but we have a shared driveway and our trash used to be down there on the same day. WM will not service based on address. Try explaining that to the person on the phone. Doesn't matter they have to go another three miles past my house to turn around. Republic wanted 160/quarter to haul trash. 1 large 90 gal can or 10 bags, same thing. We tend to recycle/compost whatever we can in so our weekly trash generation is less than a bag.

I found out that I could buy bags at the local grocery, a roll of 6 for twenty bucks and they have self serve garbage at the recycle center. I go there anyways to drop recycling so no big deal there. In the summer, the bag goes every three weeks, full or not because it develops that aroma. I figure in the winter it will be 5-6 weeks to fill a bag. Much better value.

For large items that do not fit in a bag, the township offers bulk weekends where they put a couple dumpsters in town twice a year and you bring your stuff to fill it up. Nice part is between the two townships, I can dispose these bulk items 4x a year that way since their dumpster days are offset by a couple months.

All that being said, the nice lady at Republic was shocked that I would cancel their service. Told them if I could not do a reduced rate or pick up every other week, I would not continue with them. Now I just need to get rid of that 90 Gal can I bought when we moved out here


Lifetime Member

L245DT with Kubota (Arps Model 22) FEL and Kubota B/L4520B (Woods 650) BH
Apr 23, 2018
British Columbia
Waste Management made inroads into the Canadian market too but seems to stick to the urban centres here. I have a dumpster on the yard for campground waste etc, so I tried to opt out of the regional district garbage program. Its about $40/quarter so the pricing isn't bad, but I don't often use it because I don't need to, plus their truck comes at random times between 7am and 2pm and I always get pissed if the bear gets to the can before their driver shows up. Anyways, I can't opt out of their service since it is a bylaw (local ordinance or code), and now they have compost pickup too even though they don't pickup recyclables. They provided a free bin for the compost but we have chickens and other animals and a garden etc so we don't need a compostables pickup.

When they piss me off too much with some enviroweenie BS I throw some plastic on my burn pile.


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Jul 28, 2015
Richmond, Virginia
None of the big trash companies would come to my place because of the distance from the paved road. I found a local guy with a pickup. Sure, he misses a week once a year. Though he never sends me a bill. I instead, mail him a check every six months, $180. I have to 20 years. A few times a year, I have way overflowing cans, sometimes, barely anything. I do give him old chain saws, weed wacker and offer any appliances. For me, the time and 35 miles round trip to the dump is well worth $7 a week.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
My neighbor has WM and it's been a nightmare. Another friend had them and it was the same story: Every few months the bills would start to climb, for no apparent reason.

No wonder their profits are at all time highs.



B2601, loader, backhoe
Nov 12, 2018
Williamsport, PA, USA
I don't have a garbage hauler, other than the fella in the mirror every morning when I shave. I have a sink based garbage disposal that I limit what I put in it. There is a black plastic composter in the back yard that never seems to fill up, and some raccoons with indigestion, a large burner for waste paper and what few plastic products won't recycle. i save my aluminum cans and sell them at the scrap yard. Tin cans go to a receptacle at the township building along with newspaper, cardboard, magazines and glass or plastic bottles.
If that isn't enough, I have the backhoe on the B2601. If I dig out a stump, I will bury anything I can't get rid of elsewhere in the resulting hole before back filling.


Well-known member
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
I had to post these pictures.

Remember we’ve had the same local family picking up our garbage for almost 30 years.....they’re big fans of our boxer.

One of the brothers will stop along the road while the dog is out for a walk with mom and give him treats. My wife calls them “drive by cookies.”

They left a couple goodies for him sometime yesterday.....and someone found them. Given the location, I know where they came from......

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L 5030, L 3400 and BX2200
Jul 26, 2015
NE Bama
In the early 70's my buddy told me, 'Garbage is the Future', he has done extremely well since then in that business..
also know a guy that started rural area many years ago, looks lucrative to me;)

but then again it is garbage:eek::confused:


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
also know a guy that started rural area many years ago, looks lucrative to me;)

but then again it is garbage:eek::confused:
Yeah well think about the families that run the business in some of the big cities, I mean if you want things to disappear what better place than a landfill