Yotes !!!


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Well I was up before the sun again, and sitting here going over the banking stuff ,as it is still pretty warm. 65f. I have the windows open. And they started, I counted at least 4, that will stand the hairs up on the back of your neck when you are not expecting it! I am going to have to call my bud the sheep farmer and make sure he checks his herd, he has over 600 ewes and lord know how many lambs. Maybe it was a bitch and pups out learning to hunt I dont know. But you can bet i will have the musket in the truck when I go down to his place to cut wood.
The boys from the local sportsmens club have a contest coyote hunt each year with prizes for largest and most and some other things, and the boys had them pretty well cleaned out, guess they are back. Yotes and sheep bad JuJu bawana


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L245DT with Kubota (Arps Model 22) FEL and Kubota B/L4520B (Woods 650) BH
Apr 23, 2018
British Columbia
Around here they get all howly when the train comes though blowing its horn. That's also a good time to get out and whack a few in the moonlight.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I eliminated 2 on Sunday last with my 700 Remington 22-250. Did it just at sunset and used my ATN night vision scope and Obistan app. The one the government is hot on getting the personal data of everyone that downloaded the app and has the night vision devices.

Amazing scope and app. Shot them at 150 yards, one shot each. Took the first one and swung over and got the second one before they knew what was happening. The scope does the ranging and computes the bullet drop and shows me the aim point plus if I have a bud nearby with a smart phone, he can also 'look' in the scope and see what I'm shooting at plus it will do streaming video. Amazing electronic stuff.

Even does a one shot zero for sighting in. Took me 2 shots however and it has inputs for various ammunition and handloads as well as a built in barometer, temperature (compensation).

All for 600 bucks. Not a bad deal. Little on the heavy side though.


Active member

L3600, FEL, SnoBlower, Box Blade, Rear Blade, Forks, Cultivator, Plow
Jan 5, 2013
Sandpoint ID
I eliminated 2 on Sunday last with my 700 Remington 22-250.
That was my Caliber of choice for Coyotes.

Bought a Mossberg (Howa) 1500 Bull Barrel probably 30 years ago now, totally re-worked the entire rifle into a tack-driving machine

Oddest rifle it actually liked the lighter faster loads for the most accuracy..

Haven't hunted Coyotes since we left Colorado, we had them up here, but in recent years the Wolves have moved into the area so they have pretty much moved out..



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Michigan decided to designate wolves as a protected species which I think is a mistake but they are mostly in the Upper Peninsula anyway. I could easily mistake a wolf for a yote however. Never seen one down here but there have been cougar sightings lately.

22-250 is a nice (extremely high muzzle velocity) round for dealing with small predators. My 700 is also a very accurate rifle, even moreso with the ATN electronic scope. I sure like it. You 'paint' the target, the scope makes the adjustments internally and you put the cross hairs on their shoulder and squeeze and it's a done deal.

I can see why the Government is very interested in who has them and interfaces the app to the optic. In the wrong hands, will criminal intent, any long gun (don't matter what the caliber is) becomes a killing machine with very little input from the shooter. One thing I did was hard copy the entire manual which is 50 pages long (double side) so if the government ever decided to make the app illegal, I still have all the parameters and operaing instructions in hard copy.

Read that the BATFE intercepted a shipment of scopes headed to a foreign country, one of those with tallywacker people, which is why they are so interested in who posses the optics and app. I guess I'm on that list with double jeporady. I have it as well as a Class 3 BATFE license.

I'm clean (I think)....lol

I have some extremely expensive optics (Swarovski) but no comparison to the ATN out to about 200 yards. About all the father the scope will compute at which is fine for predator hunting, especially in low light conditions. I was considering a thermal imaging scope (ATN also has them) but the cost was prohibitive for the return in performance.
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Out here the coyotes are everywhere.

At 3:30 A.M. last year, sitting out on the back swing, drinking coffee, we heard a pack start singing and that triggered another pack and another. In three or four minutes, we must have heard 8 or 10 packs all answer. It was awesome.

Walking the dogs, in the summer when it's still dark, a nearby pack will go off and my dogs will stop and all together, they'll look in the direction of the howling. If the howling is very close, the dogs will close up and walk three abreast like gunslingers, until we get a little further along.

At home, my dogs will hear a close pack start howling and will do a very nice job of singing back. My older two have found voices I never knew they had. The puppy has not yet found hers.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
A good song dog here is a dead one. Open season 24 / 7 /365 here in Michigan. Not only are they destructive to livestock they can pack up and attack humans, especially children.


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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
I live on the edge of town. I'd shoot every one, but they are just too elusive. I have heard them just yards from the house. I've tried shining my light to look for glowing eyes when I hear them close by. They just immediately shut up and I never see anything. In 15 years I have only seen two, both at night passing through within illumination of my barn night light. I have had two cats come up missing over the years, most likely from them.

My grown cat has been bitten twice, but escaped. I don't like them just for that reason.


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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
We have them around in Central Ohio as well. The large auto maker in the area brought more in to help control the deer population since there are a lot of deer/vehicle accidents out where I live. Not sure where their heads were on that one. Bring in a predator to control an animal and at the same time we have nothing natural to control their explosive growth

Talking to my neighbor a while back, they had gotten so bad he invited a few friends over and did a night hunt. about three years ago. I think he said they bagged 20 in one weekend. I do hear them every once in a while but know there there mainly by their scat left nicely on my driveway. The other guy across the street free ranges ducks and chickens so they tend to head to his property for easy meals. I have a nice little 223 bolt action with a scope that I use for control. Night scope is on the wish list, just too many other needs to fund before I get to the wants.

Yotes and feral hogs are open season year round. The only drawback is that during deer gun season you cannot use the 223. Shotgun or muzzle loader only. Would not want to go up against a pig with a shogun. I wouldn't mind picking off a hog or two. Could use a couple nice beechnut /acorn/hickory nut fed hogs for the smoker. Lucky for me, they stay around 150 miles southeast of where I am
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Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
A slug will end any interaction with said, Sus Scrofa, Unless you hunt a buck shot only area and even the a load of 00 will end things nicely. Provided you do your part;)