3 Pt. dirt scoop


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BX1860, FEL, RCK54P MMM, BB1548 Box Scraper, Quick Hitch, Piranha Bar, BX6315
Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA
Armylifer, I found what you need. Maybe you can inquire around in your area to find one to rent. He says it doesn't take a lot of tractor!!

Thank you for keeping a lookout for implements for me, D2Cat. However, I have already looked into getting a rock picker but I passed on that after talking with the dealer. From what he told me, the rocks that I have are too big for any rock picker that I could use with my BX1860. Also, he told me that most rock pickers won't be effective without first tilling up the soil. What I have resigned myself to doing is to bring in a LOT of 3 way top soil after I get the yard level.

This yard is a project and a long work in process. My wife and I are working it together and it is keeping us active and healthy so we are getting benefit from it. The wife has the vision and I just do what I am told to do. Life is happier that way.

Right now my wife's primary focus is on our garden. She wants me to almost double the size of it. Right now it is about 40' x 60'. She wants me to make it 50' x 80'. I just sprayed roundup on the existing grass in the expansion area and next week I'll haul in about 24 to 30 yards of garden mix top soil. She had me put in some new fence posts the other day. As I said, her plan, my labor. There is no shortage of projects here.