So Greta isn't Greta


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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
These agenda driven people are Myoptic, can't see the Forrest for the trees. These particular idiots are supplemented by the likes of the Soros's, ect. For all their "enlightened" and Woke expressions, they are ignorant of the NASA described GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM. That has more bearing on climate than all the CO2 emissions combined.


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M4900 w/loader, finish mower, tiller, auger, rake. BX24 w/loader, backhoe
May 27, 2015
Nelson Ohio USA
Greta, SAY IT ISN'T SO!?!?

So who then is Time Magazine's person/people of the year really?


Well-known member
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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
There is only .04% of CO2 in the atmosphere. That is less than one half of one percent. The alarmists tell you this is the cause of global warming.
EVERY LIVING PLANT AND TREE ON EARTH needs CO2 to live and conversely, they produce a lot of the oxygen ALL LIVING MAMMALS ON THE PLANET NEED TO LIVE.
So tell me what is the right percentage of CO2? Anyone? Lets be careful screwing with it.

I don't think anyone denies that the climate changes. In my area of the country the air and water are cleaner now than they have been in over 100 years. You couldn't stand near the rivers when I was growing up. I think America is and has done a good job marching towards a clean environment. No reason to go crazy in America, aside from California - they should knock it off and clean up their act, do they think the rest of the country wants to wake up to their smoggy skies?


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L3800 and Z411
Jan 6, 2014
Rockley, NS
I had a problem with the HST on my tractor and Kubota mechanics told me that it was a big expensive problem and I didn't want that so I went to a cooking site and they told me not to worry. Never trust experts.


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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
Never trust experts.
Totally agree. Remember when Scientists said the center of the universe was earth? Remember when they said there was an ice age coming? Remember when they said the poles where going to be gone and melted soon?

I like to take a look around, observe for myself keeping in mind all of the things scientists have been wrong about.


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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
There is only .04% of CO2 in the atmosphere. That is less than one half of one percent. The alarmists tell you this is the cause of global warming.
EVERY LIVING PLANT AND TREE ON EARTH needs CO2 to live and conversely, they produce a lot of the oxygen ALL LIVING MAMMALS ON THE PLANET NEED TO LIVE.
So tell me what is the right percentage of CO2? Anyone? Lets be careful screwing with it.

I don't think anyone denies that the climate changes. In my area of the country the air and water are cleaner now than they have been in over 100 years. You couldn't stand near the rivers when I was growing up. I think America is and has done a good job marching towards a clean environment. No reason to go crazy in America, aside from California - they should knock it off and clean up their act, do they think the rest of the country wants to wake up to their smoggy skies?
Well if California would stop burning up all their forests, we would have less pollution in the East.


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L3301 HST, LA525, LP shredder, BB1566 box blade, QH10, Worksaver pallet fork
Jul 6, 2018
Gilmer,Tx,United States
These agenda driven people are Myoptic, can't see the Forrest for the trees. These particular idiots are supplemented by the likes of the Soros's, ect. For all their "enlightened" and Woke expressions, they are ignorant of the NASA described GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM. That has more bearing on climate than all the CO2 emissions combined.
The one our sun is doing now has lasted way longer than normal .


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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
Totally agree. Remember when Scientists said the center of the universe was earth?
If you read a little history, it wasn't the scientists, is was the religious leaders and philosophers that said the earth was the center of the universe. It's God's chosen place, man's only domicile. Didn't care to have their religious scam dispelled by mere facts.
Galileo was put under house arrest for his heretic views, Giordono Bruno was burned at the stake for among other things expressing belief that other solar systems exist. Nicolaus Copernicus who proposed the Earth and other planets orbit the Sun, and out of fear of retribution by the Church delayed having his theory published until after his death. Now we have discovered thousands of planets orbiting other stars.
Religion has had to move the dogmatic goal posts back as scientists continually prove outlandish religious beliefs are hogwash, designed to keep the faithful scared of going to hell if they don't believe the church's teachings.

Don't get me wrong, scientists sometimes get it wrong, but eventually they get it sorted out and get it right. Most of the time newer techniques and better equipment allow them to uncover the true principal or method leading to the correct data and theory.

It always amazes me how some people take so many scientific theories for granted, like electromagnetic theory that explains how radio, computers and MRIs work, but pooh pooh climate science, one of the most validated sciences in human history.


Well-known member

l2501, FEL, BB, Rotary cutter, rake,spreader, roller, etc. New Holland TL80 A
Sep 14, 2018
West Central,FL
but pooh pooh climate science, one of the most validated sciences in human history.[/QUOTE]

A very well written statement until your last sentence. Nothing has been validated. Scientist stated in the 80s that the world was going to end in the deep freeze. Now we are all in the lobster pot and are going to be cooked according to the same group of scientist.

There is not enough evidence over a long enough time to draw the conclusions that they are putting forth. The earth has gone through countless cycles of heating and cooling yet we are still here.

AOC and her statements that the earth will end in 12 years will prove to be wrong again. The science can not prove her statements.

I am not saying we should not be good stewards of the earth but there is not enough unbiased evidence to support the outrageous claims that some scientists are claiming.


Well-known member
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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
Well if California would stop burning up all their forests, we would have less pollution in the East.
Smog doesn't come from forest fires. At least not the smog in LA the last time I was there.


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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
oh snap...

we have some scientists & environmentalists up in here! who would of guessed that?

why do scientists & environmentalists have tractors at all? shouldnt they still be working the land by hand with tools they made themselves out of dead trees & leaves?

isnt that kinda like anti-gun people who have armed body guards all around them? LMAO

seriously though: most of "us" here in this hemisphere try to make a smaller footprint than we would have 20 years ago. thats just common sense & decency towards others.

thats NOT how the rest of the world is & our little 450 million people trying to do better doesnt offset the other 7.2 BILLION people who live in 1950-60s developmental status putting out the same emissions per person that we did back then......

that makes it ridiculous to expect "us" to be able to balance the entire planets output.

common sense is the actual disappearing resource.


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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
AOC and her statements that the earth will end in 12 years will prove to be wrong again. The science can not prove her statements.
AOC never said the Earth will end in 12 years. I defy you to provide such a quote.

However, what she is trying to get through some peoples thick crainiums is is that if we don't start curbing our greenhouse gas emissions soon, there may be a tipping point where the heating due to those gases is going to be beyond our ability to reverse, and a LOT of people are going to die due to the heat and starvation due to drought.

I just can't get my mind around the thought process that some people use to dismiss the threat climate change presents to future generations. Apparently they don't give a rat's ass about the conditions their descendants inherit from them.

The price we can pay now to curb greenhouse gas emissions and avoid really devastating heating in the future is nothing to what it will cost to try to correct it in the future, if we are even able to.

But hey, we'll all be dead by then, so who cares?



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
AOC never said the Earth will end in 12 years. I defy you to provide such a quote.

However, what she is trying to get through some peoples thick crainiums is is that if we don't start curbing our greenhouse gas emissions soon, there may be a tipping point where the heating due to those gases is going to be beyond our ability to reverse, and a LOT of people are going to die due to the heat and starvation due to drought.

I just can't get my mind around the thought process that some people use to dismiss the threat climate change presents to future generations. Apparently they don't give a rat's ass about the conditions their descendants inherit from them.

The price we can pay now to curb greenhouse gas emissions and avoid really devastating heating in the future is nothing to what it will cost to try to correct it in the future, if we are even able to.

But hey, we'll all be dead by then, so who cares?
I'd say it's time for you to purchase a zero emissions electric tractor. JD has one out. I'm sure you can afford the 150 grand price tag.....:p


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: a zero emissions electric tractor

Allis-Chalmers was the first to have one, used fuel cell tech, in the 50s......

as for GHG...carbon tax....
1) it does ZERO for REDUCTION of 'bad' gases. High GHG countries just buy 'credits' from low GHG countries.... so polluters still pollute..bye,bye Mother Earth. BTW we NEED a lot of CO2 now to replenish the greenery lost down undr...

2) up here 'save on energy' scam.... I went from 'power hungry' incandescents to CFLs, my kWh went down...PRICE per kWh went up !....went from CFLs to LEDS, again my kWh went down...PRICE per kWh went up ! I call it the 'tetter-totter effect'. The electric company needs, say 1 million $ per day, so when you reduce your usage they jackup the cost, to maintain getting their million a day. Simple, easy to understand......


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
AOC never said the Earth will end in 12 years. I defy you to provide such a quote.
How about you provide her quote. I understood her just fine. (I won't say the first few thoughts that immediately came into my head when you are defending AOC's intelligence - big credibility drop there).

The climate has, does and will continue to change. America has, does and will continue to work on emissions. It is why our water is cleaner than it has been in over 100 years. And we should continue to improve.

I wish the "scientists" never cooked the books and changed the numbers back in the early 2000's, that lost a lot of credibility with a lot of people. You can deny that all you want, but the reality is that if you make up or change a bunch of your data, people will question the rest of your data. Another example, if you make up some wild hockey stick graph and refuse to release your study, and refuse peer review, a lot of people are going to question your "science".

This can not be solved by America writing a check. As soon as the "scientists" start to push solutions (things that solve the problem) instead of carbon taxes (which add to the problem) a lot of people will start to listen. Also try to get some people that are not so unhinged, dishonest or just plain stupid (AOC) to talk about it. It also seems like the biggest hypocrites (bernie, dicaprio, moore etc.) are the loudest supporters, that doesn't help either.

I would strongly suggest watching the Youtube Video by Roy Beck "Immigration Gumballs" (I dare you to watch it and tell me your thoughts) it is the same issue, you can't bring the problem here to fix it.
Last edited:


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Just follow the money, and see where it comes from and goes to. There have been a lot of good articles written about the scam, of humans causing global warming. And geologist's will tell you it has followed the same pattern for millions of years,,,, IE it aint nuttin new,,,, how ever making money from the fear doctors is big business.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
I assume the Climate Changers don't consider the Alaskan or Manilla volcanoes ,spewing 'gases' out to be part of the problem....just the manmade stuff ??



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I assume the Climate Changers don't consider the Alaskan or Manilla volcanoes ,spewing 'gases' out to be part of the problem....just the manmade stuff ??
Of course they don't because it's not convenient to.


Active member

L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
If you read a little history, it wasn't the scientists, is was the religious leaders and philosophers that said the earth was the center of the universe. It's God's chosen place, man's only domicile. Didn't care to have their religious scam dispelled by mere facts.
Galileo was put under house arrest for his heretic views, Giordono Bruno was burned at the stake for among other things expressing belief that other solar systems exist. Nicolaus Copernicus who proposed the Earth and other planets orbit the Sun, and out of fear of retribution by the Church delayed having his theory published until after his death. Now we have discovered thousands of planets orbiting other stars.
Religion has had to move the dogmatic goal posts back as scientists continually prove outlandish religious beliefs are hogwash, designed to keep the faithful scared of going to hell if they don't believe the church's teachings.

Don't get me wrong, scientists sometimes get it wrong, but eventually they get it sorted out and get it right. Most of the time newer techniques and better equipment allow them to uncover the true principal or method leading to the correct data and theory.

It always amazes me how some people take so many scientific theories for granted, like electromagnetic theory that explains how radio, computers and MRIs work, but pooh pooh climate science, one of the most validated sciences in human history.
That is until POLITICS and MONEY got involved.


Lifetime Member

L3800 and Z411
Jan 6, 2014
Rockley, NS
I assume the Climate Changers don't consider the Alaskan or Manilla volcanoes ,spewing 'gases' out to be part of the problem....just the manmade stuff ??
Of course they do.

NASA put a man on the moon in 1969. These are brilliant minds with access to the most sophisticated equipment in the world including super computers and squadrons of satellites collecting data. I would not ask them for advice on my Kubota but I certainly listen to them on climate and space issues.
If I have a toothache I discuss it with a dentist, if I have a problem with my L3800 I deal with the experts here or at the dealer. In short when experts give advice I listen.