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    Post office

    Another reason stamps are expensive- post office closed for a ”day of mourning “ What a bunch of BS. They already have more days off than any Other so called business
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    Kubota Easy Over Mower Deck

    The drive over decks do eliminate sliding the deck back and forth but you still need to get on your hands and knees to connect attaching points and drive shaft, which for this old man is the reason I went to a dedicated lawnmower
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    What's next?

    ^^^^ That would make a cool belt buckle 😎
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    Price knowledge '20 B2601 133hrs

    Great compact tractor and yes you did goog on the price. Enjoy your new toy!!
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    How about some 140w gear oil in the front diff?

    Wolfman was running with the pack today 😎
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    Covid's Back

    “Running rampant everywhere “ come on dude thats not good information. No sign of covid in my region. Let’s be sensible about this info
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    Printer Recommendations

    Epson all day every day. Easiest ink fill on the market
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    The Black Telephone

    The good ole days when people actually cared about other people. Heart warming story. For the most part rural communities are still that way. I won’t get political other wise I’ll be on vacation 😎
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    I’m due for a vacation, just kidding boss.🥸
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    The OP wasn’t looking to save money just some time. But a persons time is money. I agree with buy the filters from the Dealer
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    Old ammunition

    Thanks , I guess I’ll be putting in more range time . If you all are shooting 50 yr old ammo I should be good to go
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    Old ammunition

    How do you dispose ammunition 20+ years old that may or may not be shootable ? Besides the send it to me respond
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    Lessons learned doing the 50 hr service.

    Filter yes, hydraulic oil no. But some people do both
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    Happy Birthday to the Wolfman

    One of the greatest voices in radio !
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    Weed killer that won’t kill grass

    What product would kill leafy weeds but not damage perennial rye ? Suggestions from the lawn care professionals, thank you.
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    Z422 thoughts

    I have the 422 with suspension seat, my second summer using it. 54” deck nice heavy duty mower. My only complaint is the three acres I cut is not smooth like a golf course and even with the suspension seat it’s still a rough ride but I’m old with spine issues. I hear theFerris with the...
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    Mower heigth?

    About 5” cutt height
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    Older guys and Urolift

    This ain’t tractor machinery I’m talking about but the old enlarged prostate. Any of the old guys have this procedure done .?
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    Why is perception often much different than the truth?

    Wolfman must be on vacation or this thread would be locked😎
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    loose nuts

    I had to get some form fitting underwear, much better support