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  1. R

    Snowblower issues. Mid Point PTO and chute rotation.

    1) can’t help at all 2) I assume you have the FEL valve to drive the chute rotation (that is done with a hydraulic motor). You probably have a valve that allows hydraulic regeneration for faster dump speed. That does not work well with the hydraulic motor. If you can verify that you might be...
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    Wider stance for 3901

    There are a few rear wheel variants for that tractor. One version does allow the rim and tire to be mounted in different positions on the center disk. If you can see some bolts holding the rim to the disk then yes is the answer
  3. R

    Anyone ever added the optional DIFF LOCK to an L175?

    That hydraulic block looks stock but there may have been an alternative block. See below for the illustration- look at the top right for a different design. Those parts are discontinued but @007kubotaguy may have some used parts. You could also remove that block (cut the pipe #38 in...
  4. R

    Anyone ever added the optional DIFF LOCK to an L175?

    Congratulations on getting it installed! Now be sure you understand how to use it properly! Many people damage them by using them as the wheel is still spinning and that can shear off the pin(s). Just push clutch in first then press down the lock pedal and slowly release clutch and the lock...
  5. R

    Non-functioning hydraulics

    @Dashman There won’t really be much pressure out of the pump until there is a resistance against the flow so don’t expect to see it “shooting” out of the end of the hose. As @TheOldHokie says test the pressure with a gauge (3000 PSI range should be sufficient and not too expensive)
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    Tipped over and backhoe stuck in the down position

    Did you crank the engine with the starter? If so, I hope it didn’t cause any damage. If not, that is good and don’t crank it until you get the glow plugs out. Then turn it over by hand if you can to eject any oil. Then crank with the starter. I assume that is what you are planning on doing.
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    Front power lift on a Kubota B4200D

    Since you can move the knob a little, you can try to spray the shaft with a penetrating spray like PB Blaster, Kroil, etc. Since you are in Germany, I don’t know what products are available there. Spray the shaft where it enters the tractor case. Try to gently rotate the shaft slightly in...
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    Non-functioning hydraulics

    I don’t think you need to worry about pressure right now but if you want to you can. I believe you can get a gauge (with the proper range) and use one of the loader cylinder hoses and just put the gauge (on a disconnect half) and attach the gauge to the line and operate the valve to move that...
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    Reviving a G1900

    @Hugo Habicht are you doing your own electroplating or do you sent it out to a vendor? Have you tried a product like this for rust removal...
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    Did you replace the fuel itself? Is it overheating the engine? That makes my similar L185 also seem to be running out of fuel even before it gets HOT. You might try cleaning the screen in front of the radiator, check radiator fluid and engine oil. (I doubt it would get that hot in your neck...
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    How to lock lift arms L4240

    Turning the knob all the way to the slowest position is the lock position. BUT that locks it from going any lower under load. I believe what you want is to lock the three point from moving either up or down. That is not what the three point is designed to be capable of. Do you have a...
  12. R

    Fiddle farting around on the farm.

    I have lost track of your total acreage. If you get the additional 13 acres what will your total acreage become? If you don’t want to answer that is fine.
  13. R

    B2400 rear remotes

    See this thread for information about the way to add valves. Your new valve needs pressure relief in it as far as I know. I am not sure how Kubota connects the two blocks together on the tractor so no idea what that does for pressure relief...
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    Manual snowblower lift

    in a word - NO!
  15. R

    Anyone ever added the optional DIFF LOCK to an L175?

    If it came with the kit, I am sure it is the correct part. I didn’t notice that was a box in the middle of the gasket (in your picture). I thought it was a label on a plastic bag with the gaskets inside.
  16. R

    Coping steel pipe prior to welding.

    @McMXi I assume you have to have some type of breather hole in the web piece for welding so you don’t get blowout. But if there is a way to weld it to both the top and bottom chords without a hole I would be interested in knowing how you would do that. Curiosity has always been my weakness...
  17. R

    Manual snowblower lift

    You are welcome to! Yea we has snow earlier this year! I just waited a few hours for it to melt! Texas has other issues but blowing snow is not one of the things we would even be able to do.
  18. R

    Help Me Understand Hydraulics: BX2200 and LA211 Loader

    I can’t answer about the motor not reversing. But on the rear remotes: The hose from the PB port of the FEL valve goes to the rear remotes Pin port (remove current hose at tractor block end and connect to the new valve). Then a new hose will come from the rear remote PB port (sleeve) back to...
  19. R

    Fixing hole in side of block

    @joesmith123 - note that bar across the front is ”easily“ removable so the hood can open. I think you could at least install something similar and see if it helps your loader. And I still say that you should spend money on an electric welder or hiring someone instead of on oxygen and...
  20. R

    Anyone ever added the optional DIFF LOCK to an L175?

    Look very closely at your tractor case. The factory may have drilled the hole and then installed a plastic or rubber plug into the hole. Since your tractor has been painted (a few times?) that plug may not be obvious. Or it may be that you will have to get the hole there yourself. I am sure...