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  1. Lil Foot

    Fixing hole in side of block

    I'm confused: Is Titebond wood glue a step up or down from RTV?
  2. Lil Foot

    Fire Damage 1999Kubota B2150 ?

    I might tackle that project IF I had nothing else going on. (fat chance :) ) Assuming I could get it cheap. ($1000 or less ?) But then I have the tools & skills to make or substitute most of the stuff needed. Lots of work there.
  3. Lil Foot

    Fixing hole in side of block

    Over the years, I have made lots of OA welds that look like that, usually at the end of a long project. However, I use OA so infrequently, that but the next time I need to do it again, I have lost my touch and weld like a beginner again. ;) Throughout my career, I never had to weld much...
  4. Lil Foot

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Shoot a little lube up under the cap where the lugs are. Silicone spray, WD-40, or similar
  5. Lil Foot

    Fast tractor
  6. Lil Foot

    Fixing hole in side of block

    What oxy/acetylene welds should look like.
  7. Lil Foot

    Fixing hole in side of block

    April 1st, 1899 if I remember right.
  8. Lil Foot

    Knife collection.

    Slight side track: Local three letter name hardware store has a microprocessor-controlled knife sharpening machine. $7 a blade if I remember right. Being busy & somewhat lazy, I took some large kitchen carving knives in and had them done. The results were amazing- they came out stunningly sharp...
  9. Lil Foot

    B2100 compression on 0 on one

    Feelings hurt? Shame, I was looking to finding out what the problem was.....
  10. Lil Foot

    Fixing hole in side of block

    I would have graded the area to shed water, not retain it, but that's just me. Looks like the only dry areas are the edges.....
  11. Lil Foot

    Knife collection.

    Knives have never been a huge draw for me, but I have won a few over the years in various contests. Trying to remember where they are, I realized virtually all of them are in stranded/survival/bugout packs in vehicles, both here & up at my place in the high country. I have had 2 or 3 of the...
  12. Lil Foot

    Influenza A -Z

    I hate people who are sick & go out in public with no regard for others. Right at the start of covid, my FIL had a crisis & we took him to the ER. My wife went in with him, but they wouldn't allow me to go in with them, so I stayed in the public waiting area. Almost immediately, a middle age...
  13. Lil Foot

    Rare Kubota RC-15FD 8-wheel dumper

    Can't help, but I had to know what one loked like: Pretty cool!
  14. Lil Foot

    Fixing hole in side of block

    Or cover it with RTV....
  15. Lil Foot

    Don't Forget Old Friends

    Wow, your avatar shows you look pretty good for 85! ;)
  16. Lil Foot

    Don't Forget Old Friends

    While working, we had a weekly event called "Top Shelf Tuesday". (lunch at a local mexican restaurant) Been doing it 30 + years. Just got back 30 mins ago from "Top Shelf Tuesday" with the guys- 2 still working, 4 retired, plus 2 wives. Now we only do it once a month, but it is nice to catch up...
  17. Lil Foot

    Fixing hole in side of block

    I have never thought that loader was the correct one for that tractor, but now I'm sure of it. In the pic above that shows the bucket, I see two horizontal beams that just end in space in front of the radiator. Aren't they supposed to be attached to something? Maybe that lack of support is one...
  18. Lil Foot

    Coping steel pipe prior to welding.

    My fence contractor said when he builds the gates (at his home shop) he cuts them with a plasma cutter, (no clean up with grinder needed) but at the job site he marks them with welding chalk, then torches them. Our local ACE carries that clamshell marking jig.
  19. Lil Foot

    Coping steel pipe prior to welding.

    My fence contractor used one of these, and then torch cut the pipe, cleaned it up with a large cone shaped grinding wheel...
  20. Lil Foot

    What's your fuel consumption like?

    My B7100 sips fuel. Even after the longest days digging, grading, or hauling, the most I've ever topped off with is probably less than 1 1/2 gallons. (3.4 gal tank)