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  1. B

    Time to Replace the Long Landtrac 470.

    Yes, the term bulldozer was hyperbole. The tractor is mostly used to maintain roads along with a HD back blade. I use a tractor as a tractor not a lawn toy! I've had the poor Long standing on one front tire when moving mud. How does the MX series compare to the M? Not sure I want a...
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    Time to Replace the Long Landtrac 470.

    I need a 50 hp tractor/fel that will handle a Farmi, work as a bulldozer, brush hog and plow snow. Which Kubota is actually a 50 hp UTILITY tractor?
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    Hydraulic Problems with a M7030.

    Woodsman, I was going to stick a meat thermometer in the dip stick hole to check temp. I think the normal operating temp is 113-131F. Figured 200 would be hot!
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    Hydraulic Problems with a M7030.

    1/2 to 1/4 so I can put gauge in the remotes.
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    Hydraulic Problems with a M7030.

    Have to get reducer for pressure gauge, then I can check the pressure. If it is below 2500 I am going to crank the relief valve about a 1/4 turn and see it that helps my problem.
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    Hydraulic Problems with a M7030.

    Rear Remote, FEL works off the other rear remote and it becomes very slow. Can't tell if the 3 point works correctly or not since there is no load on it. I am lifting a very heavy off-set disk "Rolling Plow" with the other remote.
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    Hydraulic Problems with a M7030.

    My aux hyd quits working when the oil gets hot after I use it a lot. After the tractor cools it works fine. The tractor is not overheating. My research shows it is probably the pump. Is there any simple fix? Can the pump be rebuilt? New ones aren't cheap and it looks like I have to...
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    Good Day everyone i recently purchased a KUBOTA B3200 LA504 I wanted to know if i could put a brush hog on the front?

    Keep in mind the amount of debris the mower will throw back at you. Especially if you try to cut 3-4 feet in the air. You will need a substantial wire screen.
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    anyone install a Rear camera?

    The screen will wash out for the sunlight. I went with a mirror mounted on the sun shade.
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    Kubota M62, Or used Commercial Case, JD, JCB. Or Mini Ex?

    We are in a rural area and have several guys that "do it all" . One is cutting my ash and at the same time did a big driveway and some land clearing for a neighbor, He is going to clean a ditch for us when he is through logging. He has a tracked SS, an excavator, 450 dozer and two skidders...
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    Which Kubota

    What is the BIG difference? Without writing a book.
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    Which Kubota

    I want a 60-70 hp 4wd Utility tractor. Something built a little heavier than the usual compact. Think I want a wet clutch too. What Kubota models should I look at? 15 years old max.
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    M7030 Hydraulics

    You have it correct. There is no leak. How do I tell if it is obstructed? Can the pump be rebuilt or is it a replacement? Loss of prime is just what it acted like, but it doesn't lose prime if the tractor sets unused for several weeks.
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    M7030 Hydraulics

    Last time I worked the tractor hard mowing meadows the hydraulics quit working, the tractor was not hot but after a lighter load the hydraulics started working again. Both the remotes and the 3 point quit. Not low on fluid, the transmission was full. No problem since then. Power steering is...
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    Installing Mechanical Oil Pressure Guage

    My M-7030 has idiot lights instead of gauges and the oil pressure doesn't appear to be working. (wiring is a mess) I have found where the wire attaches to the block with a pipe type fitting and I presume there is just a pressure switch. I have not removed anything yet. I would like to replace...
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    Go to your local Walmart with a ruler and buy one that will fit with the most amp hours. Tough to beat Wally World batteries value.
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    M7030 is a Orange Fiat?

    I understand that the 30 series is really a Fiat painted orange. Which Fiat model? Are any of the parts Kubota? Bill
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    Fueling your Tractor

    I use a TeraPump A-TREP03-001, they are not very durable, this is my third one. When they work they are great. I see they have one for a 55 gallon drum now and it uses a li-ion battery.
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    Woods Mower Blades

    There doesn't seem to be any aftermarket for the 84 inch mower blades. Oregon makes them for the 72" but not 84".
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    Woods Mower Blades

    There is a center hole but it is not used, has two outboard that are 1/2" Have a couple of parts numbers 100152KT and 53417KT.