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  1. S

    What A Day

    Well, here we are with another couple snowstorms since my last report of Alt belt, banging myself up during its replacement etc. lol My right arm from elbow downward has been giving me lots of pain, had turned a nice dark shade of deep purple / black off & on since. Visiting nurse stopped by end...
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    BX guys

    Sadly, baby "OJ" suffers even more this winter. Due to minus temps for so, so long, have really taken further hold on poor baby "OJ", as, the plastic body parts have further cracked to no end, even chunks falling out, just about with each use. Eventually, be just framework & a seat, perhaps, by...
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    What A Day

    No. Along with others, they're boarders.
  4. S

    What A Day

    Yesterday, had both of the early model "Kubota's" out & about gearing up for sleigh rides come this weekend.
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    What A Day

    Shots from past week.
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    What A Day

  7. S

    What A Day

    Damned reads like so many books. Been shoveling pretty much a lifetime. I rather enjoy it. Like anything has its risks. Living in a very rural setting, I prefer to be self-reliant as much as possible. Not as fast as I once was with the shoveling, luckily being retired, no great rush on my part...
  8. S

    What A Day

    well, Thank You, however, don't wish to spend any more time at the ER. I do enough of that already at the persistence of the visiting nurses when they visit. Thankfully, they've cut back some, giving me a chance to breath on my own for a change. Today, still recouping, very very tired, the arms...
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    What A Day

    What A Day! Somewhat heavy snows overnight. Began shoveling the entire drive, got roughly half done before the back caught up with me. Decided to put the battery in Baby OJ finish the rest along with neighbors down the main rd. All was well till I shutoff while shooting the breeze. Poor O'l OJ...
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    These two were out & about yesterday basking in the sun. Was -8f.
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    Sun finally returned today. Temps just above freezing once again, 36f.
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    Last few days!
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    Still Cold!
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    brr... rather cold out there
  15. S

    Walk Behind Spreader

    Merry Christmas Orange Family. I'm looking for recommendations of a Walk Behind Broadcast Spreader. Main use be spreading of Salt/Sand mix. Perhaps during warm months grass seed / ferts. Spent a good chunk of the day scouting the net, feeling rather overwhelmed. My neck of the woods the town...
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    Past Week!
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    Another Monday Morning!
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    Tire Chain Repair

    TY. Actually tried c collection of them first thing, was a no go.
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    Tire Chain Repair

    Went that route in the past. I'll keep at it til I grow old.
  20. S

    Tire Chain Repair

    Haven't given up on the project just yet. Awaiting the cold snap to pass.