Another trigger pulled L3901 HST!!!!


New member
Jul 22, 2016
Loxahatchee, FL
Hi guys! I been trolling for about three months now. Couldn't decide whether i wanted the 2501 3301 or 3901. All my buddies say go bigger than i need and the extra HP will save your butt. I'm a first time tractor guy too so please forgive me. I just bought 170 acre in TN and want to fix the logging roads and grow bad ass food plots. I love deer hunting and know that food plots will keep deer on my property.

So i got approved for the full boat, 25,150.00. Thats for the L3901, FEL, BB1560, RCF2060 bushhog, and DH1560 harrow. Gonna do the finance for zero percent. I'm a hustler so once i get the hang of it i hope to pick up side jobs to help pay down the machine.

I live in south Florida.


Lifetime Member

B2650, LP Grapple, Bro-Tek spacers, QH, Box Blade, Landscape Rake, RB, and 1560G
Aug 1, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
Welcome to OTT, and congrats on the new tractor! Hope you can pick up some side jobs, it sure is easy to find.


Active member
Lifetime Member

2014 L3200 DT w/LA524 FEL, 2019 Kubota Z121S w/ 48" Pro Dec, TG1860G w/RCK54TG
Mar 21, 2014
Guin, AL
Welcome to the OTT forum Nick. Congrats on the new toy....I mean tractor. Read, read and read that owners manual. Take your time at first and get a good feel for the tractor. Be sure and do the pre-checks each time you take her out. Have fun!

NS kubota

New member

Kubota MX4800, Norse 350 logging winch, Hla 2042 pallet forks, Woods BSS60
Dec 21, 2014
Nova Scotia, Canada
Congrats on your 1st tractor we have a 2014 L3901 hst, lots of power you made a great decision going with the 39 hp we have now complaints what so ever with the power although we are in the process of buying a MX4800 and trading the L3901 Just a bit light for the work we do with it but it is a great tractor I will be sad to see it go I wish I could afford to keep it and still buy the MX4800 but that's not in the cards. again good luck and if you have any questions shoot me some questions and I'll be glad to help.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
Welcome to the L3901 club :) I replaced my Ford 2000 with the L3901DT, I was like a little kid at Christmas when it was delivered.

I have 150 hours on mine so far and have been very happy with it. I got mine 16-Dec-2014 and use it mostly for firewood and maintaining our driveway and private road. Used it a little to clear some show off a couple of times and have been moving a lot of dirt the last couple of weeks.




2017 kubota L3901HST
Jul 2, 2015
West gardiner maine, USA
Love my l3901dt. I was dead set on buying the HST version but after test driving both the gear and the HST I found that for me the gear drive model was actually easier to drive. The HST treadle peddle was just too awkward for me to use. Overall plenty of power for the size tractor that it is. I think my only real complaint would be that the rear of the tractor is too light to do any real loader lifting without a substantial counterweight. Otherwise I'm super happy with it.


New member
Jul 22, 2016
Loxahatchee, FL
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! My dealer had a bunch of brand brand new ones in the warehouse still in the shipping crates. I asked for one of them instead of one on the lot. Im in no rush but im really excited for delivery! Im as excited for this as i was when i bought my polaris ranger! Since im in Florida im gonna have dealer fill tires with water at no charge. I did not go with cruise control for the HST. Should i have?? Any other suggestions before i take delivery?