When is it time?


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
yeah I nearly got run over today on the way to work. Lady ON THE PHONE pulls into traffic, ignoring a yield sign and ignoring a great big green pickup truck (me), just like I wasn't there. Luckily I have some experience in driving-and some sense, I quickly noticed that there was no oncoming traffic, swerved into the other lane and avoided vehicular contact. If I'd have been on the scooter, I'd have been dead. Had I been in my Mustang....she'd have bought me a paint job at the very least. Possibly another Mustang.

This stuff is a daily occurrence now. I work on a major highway, about 40,000 cars pass daily. It's not uncommon to see/hear 6-10 crashes a day within 1/4 mile of the store I work at. Have had customers hit right in front of the store on multiple occasions. Guy ran off into the ditch in front of the store a while back, hit the culvert at the next store's entrance, which immediately stopped the vehicle he was driving....he was decapitated (no seat belt). Killed, but they think he had a heart attack or stroke while driving. May have been driving himself to the hospital. We'll never know.

You just never know and the best advice I can give anyone-whether you're on 2 wheels, 4, 6,8 or 18....pay REALLY close attention to what's around you and anticipate what's going happen right in front of you. Get off the dad gum phone and/or ipad, video screen, whatever. A vehicle is a weapon; meaning YOU need to have full control over it.