Watch our Kubota Videos in High Definition
Hello, Mr. K here with a quick tip that lets you watch your favorite Kubota YouTube videos in high definition. This is particularily handy if you want to see the finer details that we point out in our videos that harder to see with lower quality video.
How to Enable High Quality Playback
Simply start playing the video and then move your mouse to the bottom right corner. A menu will roll up that lets you select “HQ” for high quality playback. The video will take a moment to stream in the higher quality content and will resume playing from the position where you toggled the quality.

The HQ button in the menu that rolls up from the bottom right toggles quality between low and high. When the button is red you are on the high quality setting.
Here is a frame from our video on how to clear snow with a snow blade, and you can see the difference toggling the quality setting makes. YouTube in the future might have high quality set to on by default, but for now, you have to select it manually.

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